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endsormeans 2014-02-02 21:17

The new blackphone seems a promising ...
Very promising from a security and privacy standpoint.
Curious to see how this new geeksphone will turn out.

pierrem 2014-02-02 23:00

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...
Big names, big words, non informative website (except for the android base), and a video that could come from an episode of "Person of Interest" (for those familiar with this TV show): how can it be promising from any standpoint except marketing ?

And in any case, real privacy on a mobile network would mean to opensource any software related to the modem, which, if I understand correctly what has been explained on this board by members involved in the Neo900 initiative, is not possible without going illegal.

NB: three languages in the video: two of them, english and spanish, by native speakers; but why is the french speaking guy uses french while it is not its native language, even if it's perfect french ? is french somehow connected to a marketing view of security or privacy ?

Henrq 2014-02-03 00:01

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...
much people sell their privacies
i think only bilionaries have power to protect themselves to bad intentional people and keep themselves safes.

by this logic ,it is a bad ideia use credit card ,surf in the web because the companies know what you are doing right now.

i know :better safe than sorry
or in portuguese,"secure the man died of senescence(eld),prudence was at the funeral, the distrustful still lives"
"seguro morreu de velho,a prudência foi ao enterro,o desconfiado ainda vive"

endsormeans 2014-02-03 00:15

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...

Originally Posted by pierrem (Post 1410541)
Big names, big words, non informative website (except for the android base), and a video that could come from an episode of "Person of Interest" (for those familiar with this TV show): how can it be promising from any standpoint except marketing ?

And in any case, real privacy on a mobile network would mean to opensource any software related to the modem, which, if I understand correctly what has been explained on this board by members involved in the Neo900 initiative, is not possible without going illegal.

NB: three languages in the video: two of them, english and spanish, by native speakers; but why is the french speaking guy uses french while it is not its native language, even if it's perfect french ? is french somehow connected to a marketing view of security or privacy ?

these are the geeksphone ppl ...spain is the hq...there are english and french co-devels so...naturally everyone speaks in the lang they are familiar with. Perhaps actually researching their past achievements instead of cursorily simply watching the 1st vid available and commenting as a consequence..... would help clarify some of your questions. As far as their privacy and security is concerned I many others have not seen yet any specifics as to what and how they intend to have a "safe" enviro ...but I will wait patiently to see if it has any "meat" to it...or if it is simply hollow offerings... and then I'll comment positively or negatively . Until more details emerge to make a conclusive arguement for "yea" or "nay" I'll wait.

endsormeans 2014-02-03 00:17

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...

Originally Posted by Henrq (Post 1410550)
much people sell their privacies
i think only bilionaries have power to protect themselves to bad intentional people and keep themselves safes.

by this logic ,it is a bad ideia use credit card ,surf in the web because the companies know what you are doing right now.

i know :better safe than sorry
or in portuguese,"secure the man died of senescence(eld),prudence was at the funeral, the distrustful still lives"
"seguro morreu de velho,a prudência foi ao enterro,o desconfiado ainda vive"

hehe... like that saying :D

pierrem 2014-02-03 00:52

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1410552)
these are the geeksphone ppl ...spain is the hq...there are english and french co-devels so...naturally everyone speaks in the lang they are familiar with. Perhaps actually researching their past achievements instead of cursorily simply watching the 1st vid available and commenting as a consequence..... would help clarify some of your questions. As far as their privacy and security is concerned I many others have not seen yet any specifics as to what and how they intend to have a "safe" enviro ...but I will wait patiently to see if it has any "meat" to it...or if it is simply hollow offerings... and then I'll comment positively or negatively . Until more details emerge to make a conclusive arguement for "yea" or "nay" I'll wait.

You did not get my points:
1/ people: I know who they all are, hence "big names"
2/ languages: Rodrigo Silva-Ramos, who is the one that speaks french, do not have french as his primary language (but I admit I may be wrong on this one); since, from its professional background, he is a man who knows how to build a story, I was wondering if the use of french in this video was introduced as a subliminal information: for example, something like "french people are known to be very sensitive to privacy matters, therefore showing that french are involved in this project is a good way to communicate about it"; I'm not saying that my example is either true or false, I'm just trying to explain why I asked the language question in my first post. This would add to all the marketing stuff shown on their website.
3/ are you sure you did wait to comment ? your initial post qualified what is for me an empty shell for the moment, as promising: what are your basis for this, again, other than big names

My comment targets only the communication made around this project, since this is all we have to talk about: it looks like a caricature of a vaporware, and the only things that help me from thinking likewise are the names attached to this project.
So, as you say, «Until more details emerge to make a conclusive arguement for "yea" or "nay" I'll wait» to even qualified it as promising

endsormeans 2014-02-03 01:14

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...
I do wonder how secure their system will be. But I doubt the possibility of vaporware out of the geekphone ppl .
Promising ...yes. Waiting to see some details...yes. Conclusive details released to the public at this point...from their project...are yet to be disclosed. I am patiently waiting to see what they offer... not shooting them down before they are out of the gate.
Your suppositions are based on absolutely nothing at this point and are a purely baseless opinionated critique.

pierrem 2014-02-03 08:26

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1410557)
I do wonder how secure their system will be. But I doubt the possibility of vaporware out of the geekphone ppl .

sure, that's not like if they did not miss any product release ...
Note that I don't consider them as distrustful (supply chain issues do happen), but being "geekphone" is not sufficient


Your suppositions are based on absolutely nothing at this point and are a purely baseless opinionated critique.
since you don't seem to read, and that anyway, there is nothing to talk about, there is no point to continue further:
- you qualify the blackphone as promising «based on absolutely nothing at this point»
- I did not suppose anything, since there is nothing to suppose about, I just gave my opinion about their communication around this project: cheesy. However I did raise a question about their definition of protecting privacy, given the information provided by the Neo900 people. Therefore, as you are, I'm curious to see how they plan to achieve their goal.

pichlo 2015-01-30 13:48

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...
Bughunter cracks "absolute privacy" Blackphone - by sending it a text message

endsormeans 2015-01-30 15:11

Re: The new blackphone seems a promising ...
I had hopes for Blackphone ...
Sadly after giving them the benefit of the doubt and patiently waiting to see what they would come out with ..
they have me disappointed....

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