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kojacker 2010-05-26 22:07

PyGame - where art thou?
Hi, one of my favorite things about the n900 is pygame. After installing pr1.2 it seems to be gone, I no longer can run any of the pygame apps I have been messing with. It's kind of a bummer..

"ImportError: No module named pygame"

I tried "apt-get install pygame" but it returns "Couldn't find package pygame"

(Edit: resolved - was using wrong package name, should be python-pygame)

Can anyone advise me how I can get it back, or if it's something that needs updated and hopefully it'll be along in due course.


Slocan 2010-05-26 22:14

Re: PyGame - where art thou?
The module is called python-pygame, and is in Extras

kojacker 2010-05-26 22:19

Re: PyGame - where art thou?

Originally Posted by Slocan (Post 680946)
The module is called python-pygame, and is in Extras

It's definitely showing up for you? I only get the following "python-"s


I have all the repositories enabled for the search.


Slocan 2010-05-26 22:28

Re: PyGame - where art thou?
I haven't yet upgraded to PR1.2, so I can't actually test. I was merely referring to the fact "apt-get install pygame" is not going to work, but "apt-get install python-pygame" should (at least it does before 1.2).

You might also want to do a search with:
apt-cache search python-pygame
apt-cache show python-pygame

To see if it is already installed:
dpkg -l | grep pygame
and if it is maybe try reinstalling:
apt-get --reinstall python-pygame

kojacker 2010-05-26 22:34

Re: PyGame - where art thou?
Thanks Slocan, just as you were typing that I was able to install it through apt-get with the correct package name. Dam you Google! *shakes fist* ANyway, all's right in the world again.

Not sure why it wasn't showing up in the list though, oh well. Thanks again :)

mikkov 2010-05-26 22:35

Re: PyGame - where art thou?

Originally Posted by kojacker (Post 680992)
Not sure why it wasn't showing up in the list though, oh well. Thanks again :)

It's because application manager doesn't show libraries. The ones you found would be considered broken if they were promoted to extras-testing because of wrong category.

mikec 2010-11-09 17:36

Re: PyGame - where art thou?
Ok Guys

Post pr 1.3 I'm struggling with installing python-pygame
says its looking for libsdl1.2 which seems to have been replaced with libsdl1.3

does it need to be re-built?

mikec 2010-11-14 11:48

Re: PyGame - where art thou?

anyone got pygame working with pr1.3
maesynth is broken as a result

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