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apple2 2007-12-27 20:10

Debian SID for 770
Hi all,
Recently I managed to configure a Debian sid port for armel to run on the 770. Thats the only device I have so the port isn't available for n800 or n810 yet. The major advantage is the ability to install tons of software via synaptic without losing much of the old goodies from os2006 or 2007he. Running full featured linux distro seems good to me and I've been using it for some time and I can't find something missing.
More info can be found at If someone gets interested I may find a way to upload it somewhere.
Best regards

debernardis 2007-12-27 20:50

Re: Debian SID for 770
that is very interesting. Someone should try with a n810 with its real kb. Please make the image available!

greatgazoo 2007-12-27 20:55

Re: Debian SID for 770
I'm interested! How does it feel in terms of responsiveness?

apple2 2007-12-27 21:08

Re: Debian SID for 770
In terms of responsiveness I think its even better. In my case using os2007he with skype and browser at the same time is impossible or even only browser and something else is a quite slow process. Using debian I rarely can see bugs or segfaults and running lots of stuff at the same time is not a problem. Quite well.
I really should make the image available but I still can't figure out how the users will put it on the device just because it requires 1GB card and the uploading from the nokia to the pc is a very time consuming process too.

Karel Jansens 2007-12-27 21:08

Re: Debian SID for 770
I take it the only input method is that onscreen keyboard (not keen on it)? Have you tried getting this to work?

Also, how does this port fare on power management? Is there a way to check the battery state? Is it possible to put the tablet in a standby state?

I'm asking all these questions because I'm actually rather intrigued about it as a possibility to breathe new life (and possibly brickeage :D) into my 770.

Karel Jansens 2007-12-27 21:13

Re: Debian SID for 770

Originally Posted by apple2 (Post 116276)
In terms of responsiveness I think its even better. In my case using os2007he with skype and browser at the same time is impossible or even only browser and something else is a quite slow process. Using debian I rarely can see bugs or segfaults and running lots of stuff at the same time is not a problem. Quite well.

That's probably because of Dillo's frugal resources requirements.


I really should make the image available but I still can't figure out how the users will put it on the device just because it requires 1GB card and the uploading from the nokia to the pc is a very time consuming process too.
Can't we use a card reader? And how much of that 1GB is left after installation?

apple2 2007-12-27 21:39

Re: Debian SID for 770
I couldn't find something to show battery state and there is no screensaver or something to turn the display off after some time but putting the cover on turns the display off and it doesn't consume much power (well if there is wifi or bt running it'll turn off soon enough just because putting the cover doesn't turn them off automatically) but I suppose its just in the same standby mode as the official image. And if someone has the time to fiddle some screen saver should be easily found.
I think installing dual boot menu and using a card reader is the easy way that should do. About the size its something like a 350mb left from 1GB card.
About the onscreen keyboard I think its the fastest way for input but cellwriter should work after compiling it just because I have a feeling I woun't find it in the repos :D

wolgri 2007-12-27 22:41

Re: Debian SID for 770
awesome but can somebody mirror it or torrent it i cannot acces to this sitre it`s probably slashdoted

fanoush 2007-12-27 23:06

Re: Debian SID for 770

Originally Posted by apple2 (Post 116294)
there is no screensaver or something to turn the display off after some time

You can control brightness and display state by running dsmetest inside initfs, try (as root)

chroot /mnt/initfs dsmetest
-l and -d are useful for this

free 2007-12-27 23:22

Re: Debian SID for 770
This sounds very interesting, I would even help doing the port for the n800, if needed.
But I have to say I don't get exactly what this SID port is.
What did you port exactly? A default Sid debootstrap system? Even a default sid system contains so many packages so I'm quite surprised.
And then which repository do you use? Not debian's as armel is (unfortunatly not yet) part of debian architectures?
I don't get it sorry could you explain for a newbie? :)

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