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KeepItFunky 2008-08-19 20:12

How do I run OpenSSH?
I am trying to exchange files between my Mac and N810. Picking through these forums has suggested that OpenSSH is the way to do this. I installed the server and client, now what?

I seem unable to find a pertinent wiki of any kind. How does one use openSSH?

danramos 2008-08-19 20:24

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?
On the tablet side, you can use scp to copy files from the terminal. (cp = copies files on the same machine, scp = securely copy files to remote systems)

For example:
Assuming you're trying to copy a file named 'filename.txt' in the current directory to your Macintosh (which should alread have an ssh server running and waiting) where my username is 'username'. Assuming also that the Mac's IP address is and I want to drop it into my /home/username/ (home directory):

scp filename.txt username@

KeepItFunky 2008-08-19 20:49

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?
ok that's helpful. Another thread I came across had suggested MacFusion as a gui solution, but that requires the NIT to be the server, how do I set up my N810 as the server?

fatalsaint 2008-08-19 20:53

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?
It likely already is if you installed it.

as root:

/etc/init.d/ssh restart

will make sure the server daemon is started... You just need to give your root user a password and from your mac ssh to your tablet as user root, password <password>.

Dont know anything about MacFusion.. but same logic applies.

iamthewalrus 2008-08-19 21:05

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?
Once you have Openssh installed and running on the tablet you can use a ftp program from the Mac that supports the sftp protocol. That way you can just copy files by dragging them. I'm not a mac user but at least a cross platform ftp client like FileZilla should work. Or the other way around, if you have a ssh server running on the mac you can use the cp/scp commands for a single file or start an sftp session manually from the tablet and browse through your folders like this:

sftp macusername@ipadress
cd /some/folder
get somefilename

Be aware that if you sftp into the root account of the tablet files copied to it are owned by root. So do a "chown user somefilename" on the tablet afterwards to change ownership to 'user'.

danramos 2008-08-19 21:12

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?

Originally Posted by KeepItFunky (Post 215475)
ok that's helpful. Another thread I came across had suggested MacFusion as a gui solution, but that requires the NIT to be the server, how do I set up my N810 as the server?

Install the openssh-server package. It will prompt you to set up a root password (and make you enter it twice to be sure it was entered accurately). Once it's installed, it'll already be running. NOTE: PLEASE BE SURE TO ENTER IN A STRONG PASSWORD FOR THE ROOT ACCOUNT. Don't use dictionary words and be sure to sprinkle in a number or two. This is ROOT, after all.

You can immediately to go your Macintosh and ssh to your tablet's IP address as the 'root' user but I highly recommend against it.

The first thing I would do, if I were you, is go to the tablet's terminal once again and ssh back into itself as root to change the 'user' password so that you can use that account to place files onto your tablet. Here's how:

ssh root@localhost

When asked for the root password, enter in the root password you had entered when you installed OpenSSH earlier. At the prompt, enter:

passwd user

Give the 'user' account a good password as well and voila! Now you can go back over to your Mac and ftp to your tablet with the 'user' as the username and the password you had assigned to it.

GeneralAntilles 2008-08-19 21:30

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?
Transmit sftp.

iamthewalrus 2008-08-19 21:39

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?
B.t.w. the server daemon on the tablet seems a bit quirky. Sometimes I have to restart it with "invoke-rc.d ssh restart" to be able log into the tablet.

danramos 2008-08-19 21:41

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?

Originally Posted by iamthewalrus (Post 215511)
B.t.w. the server daemon on the tablet seems a bit quirky. Sometimes I have to restart it with "invoke-rc.d ssh restart" to be able log into the tablet.

Boggle. I've never had that problem. The only quirk I've ever noticed is that the networking needs to be enabled by doing SOMETHING with the tablet just before you try to reach it. (For example, I usually just refresh the omweather data and voila--power saving is off and the networking is reenabled). Otherwise, no problems here. N800 running diablo with an all Linux bunch of computers at home.

iamthewalrus 2008-08-19 21:55

Re: How do I run OpenSSH?

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 215513)
Boggle. I've never had that problem. The only quirk I've ever noticed is that the networking needs to be enabled by doing SOMETHING with the tablet just before you try to reach it. (For example, I usually just refresh the omweather data and voila--power saving is off and the networking is reenabled). Otherwise, no problems here. N800 running diablo with an all Linux bunch of computers at home.

Maybe by restarting the daemon I turn of wireless powersaving. I never really checked if the daemon is actually running.

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