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saponga 2019-07-01 21:20

Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi
The July theme will be fungi. But remember that mushrooms are only one group among the fungal lineage. So, get some read and be creative !

Rules are as usual :
Photos must be taken during this month (after theme is announced) and posted before voting starts
Photos must be taken by the posting member
Photos must be taken with a camera phone
Users post only one photo per entry
Users can change the entry only once
Users must name the phone they used (and software if not stock)
Post processing is allowed but you have to say what you did
3 days voting period starts on July 28th at 20:00 UTC and ends on the evening of July 31st

catbus 2019-07-07 18:05

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi
2 Attachment(s)

I give you first OT -pictures... Mother (or father, don't know, defenetly not me or my neighbour) and her "fungies". "Workname", you know... ;) - Had to do something "useful" while waiting...

fooxl 2019-07-08 10:25

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi
1 Attachment(s)
Also offtopic and late:

This pattern of the broken main camera of my Xperia X (no fungi involved):

juiceme 2019-07-08 18:25

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi

Originally Posted by fooxl (Post 1558277)
Also offtopic and late:

This pattern of the broken main camera of my Xperia X (no funghis involved):

But not completely offtopic as it's a well-known fact that optics can be infested by lens-rot. Even lenses of the non-organic variety... :D

robthebold 2019-07-08 18:28

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1558283)
But not completely offtopic as it's a well-known fact that optics can be infested by lens-rot. Even lenses of the non-organic variety... :D

OMG! Just more evidence that nature is disgusting and wants to kill us.

juiceme 2019-07-08 18:50

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1558284)
OMG! Just more evidence that nature is disgusting and wants to kill us.

Well think of it this way; pretty much anything complex that we manufacture contains huge amount of potential energy in chemical form. Clever lifeforms can tap into that potential and use it for their advantage.

pichlo 2019-07-08 19:59

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1558284)
OMG! Just more evidence that nature is disgusting and wants to kill us.

"Disgusting" is a human concept. And quite a subjective one at that. My vegetarian daughter thinks a steak is disgusting. I think it's delicious.

"Wants to kill us" is personification. Whatever it is that is killing you did not wake up this morning thinking, "today I am going to kill robthebold". It woke up thinking, "I am hungry". Then it found some source of nourishment. That the nourishment was you is just a bad luck. The thing eating you never even noticed that it was causing anyone any discomfort, any more than you would if you found a doughnut just lying about.

catbus 2019-07-08 20:37

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi


Sorry, just had to...

pichlo 2019-07-11 09:22

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi
2 Attachment(s)
Isn't it time we got back to the topic?

Here is my entry. Meet my friends Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The thing brewing in the demijohn (who the fsck made up the word 'carboy'? A car boy? Like the boy who ran in front of a car waving a red flag in the early 1900s?) is mead, an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey solution in water.

Photos taken yesterday, 10 July 2019, with Jolla. The first one is my entry, the second just to give you the context.

Note: Jolla is not exactly the best tool for taking macro photos. Especially not through the (dirty and uneven) demijohn glass.

Attachment 40598

Attachment 40601

nthn 2019-07-11 09:44

Re: Camera phone competition July 2019: Fungi

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1558326)
The thing brewing in the demijohn (who the fsck made up the word 'carboy'? A car boy? Like the boy who ran in front of a car waving a red flag in the early 1900s?)

To be fair, "half-toilet" isn't really an accurate description of a big bottle either. Nice mead, though! Speaking of mead, it's interesting how one half of the Indo-European speakers started using 'med' exclusively for honey, and the other half exclusively for the drink made of it.

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