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Jef91 2014-01-12 21:59

[Application] Pandora Radio on Harmattan with eAndora
Spent the better part of the last couple days getting this working for my own use, figured I might as well share. I've compiled the latest Enlightenment Foundation Libraries+Elementary+Python Bindings for Harmattan so I can use my python applications on my Nokia N9.

The first thing I've created a package for is my eAndora Pandora Radio player:

You can download a tarbal with all of the .debs needed to install eAndora from here. Simply extra the .deb files and then in a terminal navigate to the extracted files and run as root:


dpkg -i *.deb
apt-get -f install

After those finish you should have a eAndora launcher.

One niggle I haven't worked out yet is getting the on screen keyboard to work with EFL applications. This means you can't log into Pandora using the GUI. Thankfully I'm lazy and store the login in raw text. To login simply create the file ~/.config/eAndora/userinfo

On its first line put the email address you use to log into Pandora. On the second line put your password.

Launch eAndora from the launcher and you should be good to go.

If you know how to call the N9 keyboard or interface with it's audio via python please let me know!

Keyboard Workaround: Even if we can't bring the keyboard up, we CAN enable a long press to paste text into text entry fields. Open the elementary config launcher and select profiles at the top. Under available profiles select mobile and then press the use button at the bottom. This will allow you to long press in any text field to bring up a "paste" option.

~Jeff Hoogland

Jef91 2014-01-12 23:42

Re: [Application] Pandora Radio on Harmattan with eAndora
One small niggle I've found while using eAndora on Harmattan someone might be able to help with - every time the song changes my volume changes itself from whatever level it was at to the max - any ideas why this might be?


DJJonosound 2014-01-18 10:16

Re: [Application] Pandora Radio on Harmattan with eAndora
Surprised no one has commented on this... great work, and thanks for keeping on supporting the platform :)

youmeego 2014-01-18 10:25

Re: [Application] Pandora Radio on Harmattan with eAndora
will love too see in jolla

justadude 2014-01-19 01:16

I'm surprised as well with the lack of response for this app. I've been disappointed with soundtracker. I would rather have a proper pandora app for the N9.

Jef91 2014-01-21 16:58

Re: [Application] Pandora Radio on Harmattan with eAndora
Huh - TMO failed to email me even though I'm subscribed to this thread.

Anywho - glad some other people find it useful. It works fairly well for me. I'm hoping to at the very least find a method to tie eAndora into the N9's native sound system and eventually add rotation support.

In terms of Pandora features I really need to add a option to add variety to a current station. Been missing that one myself.

As for Jolla - Sailfish doesn't seem to run very well on the Nokia N9 so I don't really plan to do anything with that OS.


imaginaryenemy 2014-01-28 18:21

I just got around to installing this. Great work! So far everything is working as expected. Getting the volume bug and a VKB would just be icing on the cake.

Question: why is the desktop file write protected? I can't change it without getting an error.

kapu2 2014-01-29 05:47

sorry to be so noobish, but how do i install this? :o i would love to try it! downloaded the package of debs but trying to opening them in my n9 to install gives me an error.

imaginaryenemy 2014-01-29 06:36


Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1409533)
sorry to be so noobish, but how do i install this? i would love to try it! downloaded the package of debs but trying to opening them in my n9 to install gives me an error.

You have to dpkg -i them in terminal. The order matters some, also. Trial and error got me through.

Alexxxl 2014-01-29 09:58

Re: [Application] Pandora Radio on Harmattan with eAndora
what else python application failed to start on H9 thanks to your work?

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