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shmerl 2013-05-31 19:17

Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks
Jolla uses Twitter and Facebook as tools of communication, and until now it was using Identica (which is now closing). They aren't present on open social networks like Diaspora though. Feel free to invite them there.

javispedro 2013-05-31 19:25

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks
To be honest, why they don't just use their own website. Never understood why would anybody need to hide their PR behind a login-wall.

Dave999 2013-05-31 19:26

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks
I rather see them creating

EDIT: A cool twist could be that they sending a key code with the device so only users who has bought the device could create an account.

shmerl 2013-05-31 19:45

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1348434)
I rather see them creating

I agree, but for whatever reason they don't want to open their forum. So since they stick to social networks (which is somewhat weird for a company), I at least invite them to use the open ones.

bennypr0fane 2013-06-08 10:20

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks
Talking about Jolla and open social networks (this is not quite what you guys mean, but it fits the thread title as well): I wonder if other platforms can be as tightly integrated into Sailfish as Twitter and Facebook already are. This "social networks are deeply integrated in our cool new platform" typically means there is support for this two and that's it. Nokia Belle has this "1-click-social-network-sharing-feature" (not this exact name, but similar) directly from the camera app, which to this day is Facbook only, and god forbid 3rd parties could extend feature to other platforms. No plugin-architecture like Maemo has (but unfortunately has been slowly decaying).
Now in Sailfish, Facebook is really tightly woven in there (by the looks of it on all those videos), and I'd really love for the same functionalities to work with all the open networks out there

mikecomputing 2013-06-08 13:01

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 1348433)
To be honest, why they don't just use their own website. Never understood why would anybody need to hide their PR behind a login-wall.

Are you serious? How many times did you visiting Nokia homepage :O If Jolla were not on social media they would for sure die before even they had released the Alpha SDK.

In new bussiness you have to be on social media. Everything else is just plain stupidness. Only geeks visiting

But in case of what media they fokus should be were they first want to success in this case China: Does people here know what social media China uses?

I doubt it's facebook and twitter as first.

People here have to understand that world is bigger than just western countrys.

But if you want them to be on XXX social media. Send a message to @jollahq on twitter and give em a hint. They often answers questions there very fast.

But IMHO they are on many social media channels already. Just look at the icons on they'r homepage.

Thanks for tip about Diaspora registered myself as mike7b4 :)

mikecomputing 2013-06-08 13:17

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks

Originally Posted by bennypr0fane (Post 1350476)
Talking about Jolla and open social networks (this is not quite what you guys mean, but it fits the thread title as well): I wonder if other platforms can be as tightly integrated into Sailfish as Twitter and Facebook already are. This "social networks are deeply integrated in our cool new platform" typically means there is support for this two and that's it. Nokia Belle has this "1-click-social-network-sharing-feature" (not this exact name, but similar) directly from the camera app, which to this day is Facbook only, and god forbid 3rd parties could extend feature to other platforms. No plugin-architecture like Maemo has (but unfortunately has been slowly decaying).
Now in Sailfish, Facebook is really tightly woven in there (by the looks of it on all those videos), and I'd really love for the same functionalities to work with all the open networks out there

I asked that questioon some weeks ago at @jollahq theyr answer is yes it is possible. I also checked here for some more hints about the actual API:

intresting parts:

nemo-plugin-* is probadly used in sailfish to...

The reason they say facebook/twitter integrated in west media is probadly because thats what we use here. Theyr probadly talk about Chinas social media in china.

Normal people doesnt care about if jolla has support for some open social media. Mainly because normal people dos not care about that (even if they should because of privacy concerns etc...)

Summary is yes it is possible with third party social media plugins :)

Lumiaman 2013-06-08 13:57

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1350527)
I asked that questioon some weeks ago at @jollahq theyr answer is yes it is possible. I also checked here for some more hints about the actual API:

intresting parts:

nemo-plugin-* is probadly used in sailfish to...

The reason they say facebook/twitter integrated in west media is probadly because thats what we use here. Theyr probadly talk about Chinas social media in china.

Normal people doesnt care about if jolla has support for some open social media. Mainly because normal people dos not care about that (even if they should because of privacy concerns etc...)

Summary is yes it is possible with third party social media plugins :)

Everything is possible with jailbroken iPhone too. I just don't get what is so unique about anything on Jolla.

Fuzzillogic 2013-06-08 15:24

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks

Originally Posted by Lumiaman (Post 1350536)
Everything is possible with jailbroken iPhone too. I just don't get what is so unique about anything on Jolla.

So, can you install Android on your "jailbroken" iPhone? The damn thing remains a closed piece of hardware you may borrow from Apple at stupendous costs.

On topic: Jolla should not use current social media as primary communication channel. I understand the need for them to be present on those networks, or at least eventually. But as a company that for the time being aims at the more tech-inclined (and after all, those are the folks which will create the apps..) they should be aware that a large part of that group steers very clear of platforms as facebook, google and twitter.

But open, decentralized social media is an unfortunate mess currently. Yeah, there's diaspora. And appleseed and buddycloud and and ... ,but they all interoperate quite poorly with each other, if at all. Perhaps they could pick one and try to kickstart it. Who knows.

Anyway, the primary communication channel should be their website with Atom/RSS feeds. Put a blog and forum on it (and use OpenID!)

Morpog 2013-06-08 15:33

Re: Proposal for Jolla to use open social networks
Most of them are on IRC, the most geeky form of being social.

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