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Vesuri 2012-09-15 11:18

[Announce] In Car Home Screen
In Car Home Screen is a Nokia N9 home screen for in car use. It shows four big buttons for launching in car applications and large controls for controlling the music player. Both portrait and landscape operation are supported. Swipe can be disabled so that the application replaces the default home screen.

The four application buttons can be used to start in car applications. Tapping on the music player area starts the music player if it is not running. The music player can be controlled with the music player control buttons. The application menu can be opened by pressing on the menu button. The application menu allows swipe to be disabled and enabled and the application to be exited. Disabling swipe is recommended so that In Car Home Screen replaces the default home screen.

In Car Home Screen is available for download from the Nokia Store. It can be uninstalled like any other application by starting Settings, selecting Applications, selecting Manage applications, selecting In Car Home Screen and then Uninstall.

Vesuri 2012-09-15 11:23

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen
The current version does not include an user interface to choose the four application buttons. However, it's possible to change them by running the following commands in the Terminal:


gconftool --set --type string /apps/meegotouchhome-incar/launcher/0/desktop_entry_path /usr/share/applications/top_left_application.desktop

gconftool --set --type string /apps/meegotouchhome-incar/launcher/1/desktop_entry_path /usr/share/applications/top_right_application.desktop

gconftool --set --type string /apps/meegotouchhome-incar/launcher/2/desktop_entry_path /usr/share/applications/bottom_left_application.desktop

gconftool --set --type string /apps/meegotouchhome-incar/launcher/3/desktop_entry_path /usr/share/applications/bottom_right_application.desktop

Future versions (with no planned release schedule, though) could include the following features:
  • UI to choose the applications for the four buttons
  • automatically enabling Bluetooth when starting In Car Home Screen

Schturman 2012-09-15 11:29

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen
Cool, thanks! Waiting for new release :)

F2thaK 2012-09-15 11:30

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen

stampsmurf 2012-09-15 11:54

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen
Looks great!!!

Morpog 2012-09-15 11:55

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen
Looking forward for future versions with those mentioned new features. With those included it will be great for in car use! Going to pay it now in store to support you already.

Btw: Store search really sucks, I can't find it when I search for it. Following your link in here worked. Next time choose some artificial name that store search finds (like MeeCar), could help boosting download rates a lot I think.

Schturman 2012-09-15 11:55

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen
Hmmm.. Vesuri, I have a little problem with this command:

gconftool --set --type string /apps/meegotouchhome-incar/launcher/0/desktop_entry_path /usr/share/applications/waze_harmattan.desktop

What can I do to fix this Icon ? (reboot not helped)

Schturman 2012-09-15 12:17

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen
Ok, I fixed it...
We need put the icon of WAZE to:

and edit:


you need write:

I don't know why, but my phone rebooted automatically when I tried to exit after icon changing, now it work like expected :D

Schturman 2012-09-15 12:37

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen
Here is a full 3 command to apply this:


cp -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor/80x80/apps/waze80.png /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/icons
sed -i 's/Icon=.*/Icon=waze80/g' /usr/share/applications/waze_harmattan.desktop
gconftool --set --type string /apps/meegotouchhome-incar/launcher/0/desktop_entry_path /usr/share/applications/waze_harmattan.desktop

And to restore this:

rm -f /usr/share/themes/blanco/meegotouch/icons/waze80.png
sed -i 's/Icon=.*/Icon=\/usr\/share\/icons\/hicolor\/80x80\/apps\/waze80.png/g' /usr/share/applications/waze_harmattan.desktop
gconftool --set --type string /apps/meegotouchhome-incar/launcher/0/desktop_entry_path /usr/share/applications/nokia-drive-qml.desktop

I will include this to the next version of N9QT (Tweak G-3)

Probably gconftool command work only with icons located in:


Vesuri 2012-09-15 14:55

Re: [Announce] In Car Home Screen

Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1266817)
Store search really sucks, I can't find it when I search for it.

Yep, it does :(.


Originally Posted by Morpog (Post 1266817)
Next time choose some artificial name that store search finds (like MeeCar), could help boosting download rates a lot I think.

That's easier said than done since no one seems to know how the Store search works :). I've defined the following keywords:

car in-car home screen navigation drive

However, searching with those gives no relevant results either, even though keyword searching seems to work with some other applications.


Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1266828)
Ok, I fixed it...
We need put the icon of WAZE to:

I will include this to the next version of N9QT (Tweak G-3)

It'd be better if you wouldn't hack it but I would investigate and fix the root cause, if possible. Where can I find the installation package for the Waze application version you're using? Does it work fine with the default home screen?


Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1266828)
I don't know why, but my phone rebooted automatically when I tried to exit after icon changing, now it work like expected :D

This happens because In Car Home Screen needs to restart MCompositor (the window manager) on exit if swipe is disabled. Otherwise the window manager gets confused about which window is the home screen window and doesn't work properly. To restart the window manager In Car Home Screen kills it. If a system process gets killed too often in a too short period of time, the system reboots due to a crash watchdog. This only happens if you start and quit In Car Home Screen multiple times in a short period of time. It doesn't cause harm in normal day to day use.

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