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dicksonleong8 2013-12-31 09:28

Quickddit for SailfishOS
Quickddit is a Reddit client, developed using Qt and Qt Quick, therefore it is smooth and powerful. Thanks to Sailfish Silica component, it also has a native and fluid UI.

Initially developed for Harmattan, now I have ported to Sailfish too. Currently still in BETA, which means:
  • It may has some bugs/issues, but not major/critical one
  • Some features are missing, but most of the important features are there
  • Stability and performance is good in most common usage

I only can test on the emulator, so for those who already have the mighty Jolla phone, your testing and feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks!

Download from OpenRepos

Source: GitHub

Bundyo 2013-12-31 10:08

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS
Works rather good :)

maluka 2013-12-31 16:55

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS
Pretty good.

I've uninstalled my Android reddit app. No need for it anymore :D

dicksonleong8 2013-12-31 17:28

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 1402562)
Pretty good.

I've uninstalled my Android reddit app. No need for it anymore :D

Good to know that Quickddit can replace the official, fully-featured reddit app for Android :D

Edit: Oh, they don't have official app for Android. But still, there are junk of 3rd party reddit apps

mikecomputing 2013-12-31 17:53

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS
Nice and clean app as sailfish apps shall be.

Two things so far:

* I think Wifi icon need to be replaced with something else:
check in sailfishemulator:


if there are something better to use?

* I think it would be a good idea to connect:


Keys.onReturnPressed: {

... so that search start if user press the return button. I often do that way instead of swipe to accept when search etc...

* IMHO Not sure I like the border around the numbers it just "feels wrong" maybe better use Theme.colorXX bold text or something?

Just my :)

dicksonleong8 2013-12-31 18:17

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS
I've ssh'd into the emulator but can't find any relevant icons, so I use Wifi icon for placeholder first. I will check again to see if there is any better icons.

The return key should be easy enough to implement, thanks for the tips :D

The design of the "count bubble" is indeed not perfect, I will try to improve its design ;)

Thanks for the feedback!

mikecomputing 2013-12-31 19:35

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS
One more.

Get rid of the "section" in pulley menu instead user could just swipe right. One less element in pulley menu is good.

I have seen this in some Jolla apps. For example mail application doing show folders that way....

eg: instead of pageStack.push("SectionPage.qml") when trigger
do pushAttached() on startup.

I did it thois way in jolla together app (in FirstPage.qml)


  Timer {
        /* For uknown reason, we can't on onCompleted to push the page so this timer used instead */
        interval: 100 // wait 100msec
        repeat: false
        running: true
        onTriggered: { pageStack.pushAttached(Qt.resolvedUrl("SectionPage.qml")); }

and when use swipe right it just there already :)

Very nice sailfish UI feature IMHO :)

mariusmssj 2013-12-31 20:45

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS
Thanks dicksonleong8 :)

Yeum 2014-01-01 12:57

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS
First, massive thanks for going through the trouble to make & port this app!

Some quick comments after loading this into my phone:

-The "account login" page handles a bit iffy - I repeatedly kept swiping away (unintentionally) from the page for some reason, when my intention was to scroll the zoomed in page to the login text input. Took me 3 tries to get my account set up.

-There's a bunch of generic subreddits listed in the subreddit menu that I'm not subscribed to, is this the intended behaviour?

-Also, would be great if you could modify/remove entries from this subreddit list with a long tap on the selected item, similar to the mark read/delete functions in the e-mail client.

- +1 Mikecomputing's suggestion.

- Another alternative suggestion for browsing would be to have the subscribed subreddit list be the first/main page of the app. Use this as the base for a "tree-style" navigation. This way you'd avoid having to use the pulley menu to switch between different subreddits, and you could simply just flick backward to the list of subscribed reddits from any given subreddit, similarly to how you flick back to the list of posts in a subreddit after reading a comment/post thread.

dicksonleong8 2014-01-01 15:23

Re: Quickddit for SailfishOS

Thanks for the feedback!

After you mention it about the login page I only remember it - indeed it has such problem but I just ignore it at that time and forget to fix it after that. After some checking it seem that this is cause by an obvious bug in the Jolla official components. I will ask Jolla to check about this.

If you mean after you click "browse for subreddits", it will brings you to browse "popular subreddits", you can pull down to switch to other section.

Long press to subscribe/unsubscribe is indeed a good idea! I will try it.

I think the root page should be always the front page, just like is the front page. But i do notice that there is some "not natural" navigation between subreddits. I will try to see how to improve it.

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