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antman8969 2011-06-18 05:45

[Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML

Originally Posted by dinarch (Post 1052603)
For those who are facing the 'pincode problem': There seems to be an issue with the Time stamp: If your N900's clock is set early or late, the LinkedIN server will give you an error message. Simply set your N900 to the correct time and you should be able to retrieve a pincode.


July 12, 2011 v0.7
  • The focus of this update is the Jobs feature. Rough implementation to be expanded off of soon.
  • Search and bookmark jobs in the same fashion as companies

July 5, 2011 v0.6
  • Added news and stock information to the company screen. Now you can easily get information specific to that company.
  • Implemented the "Company" screen for easy access to all of the companies you follow. This is probably the most useful feature in this app so far.

July 4, 2011 v0.5
I've been stressing a little about the look and feel (or lack of a native one) for the application so development hasn't been as quick as I had hoped. But here is an update non the less.
  • Remodeled the homescreen. I was running out of room for feature icons so I decided to spice up the home screen a little.
  • features being implemented in the near future are now placeholder icons on the homescreen. Suggestions still welcome.

June 22, 2011 v0.0.2
  • Added "News" feature that uses Google News to get updates about the companies you follow on LinkedIn

June 20, 2011
  • Package is available in extras-devel

Original Announcement

A few days ago I started making a LinkedIn client that I hope will do everything everyone needs it to. I've implemented the core functionality (it's still only about 30%-40% complete) and the general look and feel. Now I'm looking for people to try it out and request features.

Before this application, I wasn't really a big LinkedIn user (and I'm still getting used to it) so I would really like to hear from some users as to what they need from this application, and I'll do my best to implement it!

Do you want to contribute?
If you're interested in the development of this app but don't have any feature ideas, you can help by connecting with me on LinkedIn (my name is Anthony Naddeo and my email is The more connections I have the better I'll be able to handle the content that the app should control.

Current features are very basic at this time, but this app is no where near done.

  • Get news and updates about the companies you follow
  • Completely custom interface, built from scratch in QML
  • Connect with new people as friends
  • Follow Companies
  • Search for people and companies
  • Browse connections
  • Send messages
  • Like and Comment on items
  • UI background colors taken from your current theme

  • select between different languages
  • add desktop widget and daemon
  • waiting to hear from the community

  • No groups api!!! Very sad, but LinkedIn just hasn't gotten around it yet...
  • LinkedIn does not allow applications to read the mailbox
  • LinkedIn does not allow applications to connect as anything but friends
  • QML's XmlHttpRequest object does not support the "DELETE" type, so you can't unfollow companies yet.

I've tested it and havn't had any problems authenticating, but if something happens you can always restart the process doing these two things:
  1. Remove the application permission from your linkedin page on a browser
  2. Delete the settings file on your phone "/home/user/.config/linkedup/linkedup.conf"

Credits to:

robin92 2011-06-18 06:15

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML
nice app but I dont now what Linkdln is :p

gilamonyet 2011-06-18 08:58

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML
Good job! Cant think of an other app that works with LinkedIn on N900

ivgalvez 2011-06-18 09:10

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML
I was really waiting for this, thanks!

antman8969 2011-06-18 15:13

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML

Originally Posted by robin92 (Post 1031248)
nice app but I dont now what Linkdln is :p

lol It's alright, I didn't either until a few months ago when I was applying for an internship and they asked if I had one.

Think Facebook, but geared towards professional career building instead of purely socializing.


Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 1031302)
I was really waiting for this, thanks!

Thanks. And remember to request anything you think is missing!

mikevenables 2011-06-18 21:21

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML
Thanks - good for watching what's doing in account :-) Linking with others new connections would be good

msaalli 2011-06-18 21:31

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML
Thanks for this, had been searching online for any app for LinkedIn. Would test and note any additional tips to aid your kind work.

antman8969 2011-06-20 23:34

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML
bump for import into extras-devel. hopefully get some more testers

FarmerF 2011-06-22 17:05

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML
Thanks for the app. Trying it right now. Only thing I would really like is connecting as colleagues but if its a linkedin limitation then I guess I'll have to live with that :)

A possible feature would be to be able to choose which profile to show as you can have more than one in different languages. I don't have more than one nor do most of my friends seem to so I can not test if the feature is already there :)

Ps. It looks better in black :P

antman8969 2011-06-22 20:54

Re: [Announce] LinkedUp- A LinkedIn client in QML

Originally Posted by FarmerF (Post 1036144)
Thanks for the app. Trying it right now. Only thing I would really like is connecting as colleagues but if its a linkedin limitation then I guess I'll have to live with that :)

A possible feature would be to be able to choose which profile to show as you can have more than one in different languages. I don't have more than one nor do most of my friends seem to so I can not test if the feature is already there :)

Ps. It looks better in black :P

lol I agree. It takes the color from the currently selected theme. I was using the stock digital nature one when I took the pics above, then I switched to fringe and was pleasantly surprised with my app ;)

Definitely a doable feature, I'll add it to the list above. I'm going to upload a new version soon that has a "News" feature... we'll see how that works!

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