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OVK 2014-12-02 09:35

Jolla Tablet
Thought that the Jolla Tablet would deserve a dedicated thread.

After some discussions with voices inside my head I decided to get (or to be precise: contribute to crowdfunding campaign to develop) a Jolla Tablet. Even if I don't need a tablet.

My justification for getting the Jolla Tablet is that I want to support Jolla the company but can't do it by getting the Jolla Phone because it does not meet my use cases (bad camera, mediocre display and no native offline navigation solution are all dealbreakers for me and only one of those could be fixed by software update). I hope that Jolla Tablet will generate some (positive :D) cash flow for Jolla and lets them speed up the software development and eventually lets them to design a new better phone model (or raises interest so that some other phonemaker decides to release a Sailfish phone) and I can put my N9 to rest.

You can contribute to Jolla's crowdfunding campaign at IndieGoGo:

The specs of the Jolla Tablet can be found on Jolla pages: or the IndieGoGo campaign pages.

To put it short, Jolla Tablet's form factor is the same as for example iPad Mini's or Nokia N1's formfactor. High res screen, eyebrowrisingly small battery, most probably no 3G...

But anyway, it is not the hardware that we are most interested in, is it? It is the software. Jolla Tablet should ship with Sailfish OS 2.0 which includes for example new types of notifications, lots of bug fixes etc. It should not have a locked bootloader which makes it an interesting choice for hackers and tinkerers. Also hardware should be quite "open" with for example Intel GPU.

Jolla Tablet has an expected shipping date of May 2015.

About the controversial strech goal? It would be nice if the discussion about that could be continued in the original thread: (read from there on about exFat licenses and stuff like that).

Copernicus 2014-12-02 11:32

Re: Jolla Tablet
For me, there was no question. A mobile device that I don't have to root/jailbreak/crack to use, with full support for Qt-based apps, and is even officially available in the US. And relatively cheap too! :)

This gets me a step closer to what I feel is going to be my new normal: a smart mobile device for computing purposes, and a dumb cellphone. Here in the US, the best way to win in the ever more complex world of cell phone providers is to just not play their game...

OVK 2014-12-02 11:58

Re: Jolla Tablet

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1450287)
Add 3G/4G and you have a great lame to have to share your phone network on the go...

You can get that if you really want it, it just costs you around 1,1 million dollars at the moment.

Copernicus 2014-12-02 11:59

Re: Jolla Tablet

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1450287)
Add 3G/4G and you have a great lame to have to share your phone network on the go...

Riiiight. Like I want the phone company to get their tentacles into my device.

At least where I live, using 3G/4G for net access is outrageously expensive, if it even exists -- practically half of Ohio lacks cell coverage (and certainly not 4G). Outside of the big cities, you're much more likely to find a public wifi hotspot, offering higher speed internet access for free.

So yeah, I have no need or desire to purchase tablets with cellular inside. Makes no sense at all.

MartinK 2014-12-02 12:28

Re: Jolla Tablet

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1450292)
I'd consider Jolla as a mobile replacement if they get their specs up, deal with the replacement battery issue and actually sell / ship to Canada ...hell... North America period. Nowhere do I see any official Jolla page saying welcome North American buyer.

Weel at least the Jolla Tablet apparently ships to USA & Canada.

Copernicus 2014-12-02 12:37

Re: Jolla Tablet

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1450298)
So you trust public hotspots more?

You trust the telephone company more? Wow, yes, I do believe we live in different worlds.

juiceme 2014-12-02 12:39

Re: Jolla Tablet
Proper encryption guarantees that you can use any required transport layers.

kinggo 2014-12-02 12:46

Re: Jolla Tablet
If this is based on Intel Atom Z3735F and if it is similar to Intel Atom Z3745 than battery will most likely suck very much.
I just got one Acer with that Z3745 and it barely lasted 4 hours.

Copernicus 2014-12-02 12:54

Re: Jolla Tablet

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1450305)
No, Never said that. But I use 3g/4G all days and almost never hotspts :D

Ok, so... Does that mean you choose to use the network that costs more and you trust less? :D

Tigerroast 2014-12-02 12:58

Re: Jolla Tablet
(fair warning: nitpicking ahead)

The "Spectrum of Names" is a rather large one, indeed. On one side of the spectrum, there's whatever Canonical wants to call their Ubuntu releases. I didn't even know what a pangolin or vervet were before those releases. Also, anytime you have a community expecing the new release of a distro to be called "Vivid Velociraptor," you can tell it's pretty crazy.

On the other end of that spectrum, however, is Jolla. The phone, that is. It's a shame that clarification is necessary.

It's pretty hard to get more basic than a letter and number(s), or more generic than _Phone, or more uncreative than a basic acronym 4 letters and lower. But what can be more basic than calling your product the same thing as your company? Or calling the product what it pretty much is?

Call the tablet the Jolla Marlin or something, or - even better - let the community come up with stuff and let them vote on it.

And don't get all Shakespearian on me. The name itself doesn't matter to me, so long as it HAS A NAME!

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