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mettska 2018-01-11 21:59

What Bluetooth-Hands-Free for Sailfish X 2.1.3
I'm sorry, if this is already answered here or on tjc, but I didnt find the answer....

So, I need some bluetooth-hands-free kit for my girlfriends car. I know, that my Sailfish X is not working well with my car-audio. I know, a lot of people shared, if there bt-device is working with Sailfish X or not, too. But I don't see any system behind, which device is working or not.

What do I have to be aware of, if I want to buy a device? Is there any protocol in any special version, that works perfectly? Or is there anything else, I have to look for?

deprecated 2018-01-12 02:45

Re: What Bluetooth-Hands-Free for Sailfish X 2.1.3
Hey there, there's a pretty comprehensive list of bluetooth devices that are working on Sailfish X over at tjc:

I hope this was helpful!

Edit: make sure to go through all fthe pages, there are quite a few.

mettska 2018-01-18 10:25

Re: What Bluetooth-Hands-Free for Sailfish X 2.1.3
Thanks, I posted on the list, too ;)

Its difficult to find there anything. There are a lot devices listed, but most are for a different kind of need (e.g. sending files over bt.). Or people only tell "yes, working" - but do not specify, what "working" means.

So, right now I wait for the 2.1.4 update, that seems to be around the corner. And then I have to try-and-error.^^

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