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MSameer 2013-02-24 14:07

[Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan

Cameraplus is an alternate open camera application initially developed for Harmattan.

Cameraplus captures images, records videos, has timer support, has a nice post capture page and a bunch of other features including my beloved zoom during video recording ;-)

You can also get it from OpenRepos here:

The code is here:

All harmattan specific issues


Issue tracker

Cameraplus for SailfishOS

Enjoy :)

myname24 2013-02-24 14:19

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan
camera error . please restart the application .
do i need to reboot or something else ?

edit : it run only when root


and it should work

edit 2 : great UI much better than default camera .

Jeffrey04 2013-02-24 14:32

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan
i installed the version located in this repository but I get camera error like @myname24 too

but running as root as suggested gives these messages (yea, app should work as root)

~ # cameraplus
Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame
Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage
QDir::mkpath: Empty or null file name(s)

DBus error:
Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.104" (uid=0 pid=2245 comm="cameraplus ") interface="" member="registerListener" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="" (uid=29999 pid=1024 comm="/usr/bin/positioningd "))
Successfully resolved MeeGo graphics system: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/graphicssystems/

MeegoGraphics: found EGL_NOK_image_shared
MeegoGraphics: found EGL_KHR_lock_surface2
MeegoGraphics: found EGL_KHR_fence_sync
X Error: BadDamage (invalid Damage parameter) 153
Extension: 146 (Uknown extension)
Minor opcode: 2 (Unknown request)
Resource id: 0x380000e

DBus error:
Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.104" (uid=0 pid=2245 comm="cameraplus ") interface="" member="configSession" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="" (uid=29999 pid=1024 comm="/usr/bin/positioningd "))

DBus error:
Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.104" (uid=0 pid=2245 comm="cameraplus ") interface="" member="configSession" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="" (uid=29999 pid=1024 comm="/usr/bin/positioningd "))
Found SGX/MBX driver, enabling FullClearOnEveryFrame
Found v1.4 driver, enabling brokenTexSubImage
libomap3camd 1.136
CC reset, prev_cc: 0 new_cc 50780 new offset: -50780
MServiceFwBaseIf: MServiceFwBaseIf::resolveServiceName( ifName= "" , preferredService= "" )
MServiceFwBaseIf: no preferred service and am connected to dbus so asking servicemapper
MServiceFwBaseIf: MServiceFwBaseIf::resolveServiceName( ifName= "" , preferredService= "" )
MServiceFwBaseIf: no preferred service and am connected to dbus so asking servicemapper
Meego graphics system destroyed
X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10
Extension: 135 (MIT-SHM)
Minor opcode: 1 (X_ShmAttach)
Resource id: 0x380000b
X Error: BadShmSeg (invalid shared segment parameter) 135
Extension: 135 (MIT-SHM)
Minor opcode: 2 (X_ShmDetach)
Resource id: 0x380001c
QObject::startTimer: QTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
just wondering, will you include front camera in future releases?

MSameer 2013-02-24 14:40

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan
My bad. I forgot to inject the aegist manifest.

I am fixing it now. Please give me some time :)

MSameer 2013-02-24 15:49

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan
I updated the package. Same place. Just redownload and install :)

And yes, I am planning to support front camera but I need to find a proper place for the front <-> back switch in the UI.

Kozzi 2013-02-24 16:15

"Not enough space to capture image"
Still have 8GB free though :?

MSameer 2013-02-24 16:19

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1324819)
"Not enough space to capture image"
Still have 8GB free though :?

The 8 GB free are under /home/user/MyDocs ? Does /home/user/MyDocs/cameraplus/ exist ?

Does the original camera-ui capture images?

Kozzi 2013-02-24 16:25

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan

Originally Posted by MSameer (Post 1324820)
The 8 GB free are under /home/user/MyDocs ? Does /home/user/MyDocs/cameraplus/ exist ?

Does the original camera-ui capture images?

-and yes


baem90 2013-02-24 16:36

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan
Thank you, really nice!
aNy possibility if you can include those image captured into DCIM folder? Cause my wazzap cannot access into cameraplus folder :)

MSameer 2013-02-24 16:40

Re: [Announce] cameraplus, An alternate open camera application for Harmattan

Originally Posted by Kozzi (Post 1324822)
-and yes


Could you please try the attached .deb? That should hopefully work ;)

EDIT: Package updated so no need for the attachment.

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