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Rogatti 2013-09-19 18:10

Official specs of Jolla phone surface

zimon 2013-09-19 18:15

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface
1 GB RAM is a big design flaw. Think of multitasking both Qt- and Android-applications at the same time. swap-memory won't save them from a bad user experience.

And I don't think there could be "an other half" of extra 1 or 2 GB RAM, which would be of course nice and fix the problem.

Estel 2013-09-19 18:26

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface
Disagree. No amount of RAM wil save them from badly written application (and putting 2134732646324723432 GB of RAM into mobiles just encourage even more badly written "apps").

For all intent and purposes, 1GB of RAM in such device type should suffice, while 2GB would be "future-proof bleeding-edge" (I'm not talking about current state of the market, but about common sense).

Not that I have any "great love" for Jolla - it just funny to read statements like that, when sitting at device with 256 RAM we have *almost* enough for everything a sane man may want from ultra-portable computer/phone combo.

Of course I understand what you mean by cross-multitasking with Android, but it's rather special case. Frankly, that "android support" is kind of hoax, IMO - if they want to target geeks, android is obsolete. If they want to target android users, why not make android device?

From my perspective, it's like porting symbian to Maemo (or Debian, or whatever).


MartinK 2013-09-19 18:29

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 1375391)
And I don't think there could be "an other half" of extra 1 or 2 GB RAM, which would be of course nice and fix the problem.

That might actually be crazy enough to work. :D

Can anyone with good understanding of the I2C bus used for the other half confirm/deny if it would usable to host an external RAM chip or fast NAND for swapping ?

IIRC there was some talk in the Neo900 project about hooking a RAM chip outside of the SOC to I2C and using it for swap.

EDIT: According to Wikipedia, I2C seems to top out at about 3.4 Mbit/s, so about 500 KB per second. So swapping to MicroSD will probably be a better option.

szopin 2013-09-19 18:41

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1375396)
Frankly, that "android support" is kind of hoax, IMO - if they want to target geeks, android is obsolete. If they want to target android users, why not make android device?

Or for example run android app with wireshark in order to reverse engineer the protocol used to build sailfish native app? There's a lot of geeky usages for this hoax, I'm actually looking forward to it

panjgoori 2013-09-19 18:44

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface
for a normal user 1gb ram is enough. what disappoints me is screen resolution. it should have been atleast 720P. but overall good specs.

Dave999 2013-09-19 18:47

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface
This phone will collect dust, I will land it just under my n9 :D still cant wait for cheapment. We need another pre-order/shipping thread. Who want to do the honer?

1 GB is ok, unless you use it for more than a phone, if you want to play top notch games, the processor and 1GB is simply not enough. For a phone and some mails and a bit of web browsing it's OK. But I don't think any real advanced games will be available anyway. I don't play so 1 GB is fine by me. But don't come here any say that its good with ONLY 1 GB in 399 Euro phone 2014, its not. :)

tortoisedoc 2013-09-19 19:57

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface

Originally Posted by MartinK (Post 1375397)
That might actually be crazy enough to work. :D

Can anyone with good understanding of the I2C bus used for the other half confirm/deny if it would usable to host an external RAM chip or fast NAND for swapping ?

IIRC there was some talk in the Neo900 project about hooking a RAM chip outside of the SOC to I2C and using it for swap.

EDIT: According to Wikipedia, I2C seems to top out at about 3.4 Mbit/s, so about 500 KB per second. So swapping to MicroSD will probably be a better option.

Boy do I just imagine the mod communities going crazy about this :D


Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1375407)
This phone will collect dust, I will land it just under my n9 :D still cant wait for cheapment. We need another pre-order/shipping thread. Who want to do the honer?

1 GB is ok, unless you use it for more than a phone, if you want to play top notch games, the processor and 1GB is simply not enough. For a phone and some mails and a bit of web browsing it's OK. But I don't think any real advanced games will be available anyway. I don't play so 1 GB is fine by me. But don't come here any say that its good with ONLY 1 GB in 399 Euro phone 2014, its not. :)

I am afraid I have to agree. Then again, low end android phones have WAY less ram and still run O-Key(ish)....

kinggo 2013-09-19 20:11

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface
qHD? Really?
So the most talked thing about sailfish was android compatibility and now this. :(
I'm glad I didn't preorder anything. Maybe they'll do it right next time.
I didn't expect galaxy 5, not even a galaxy 3 but this............
For 400€ I can get 2 or 3 similary speced chinese phones. And after all, it is all about android compatibility. :(

tissot 2013-09-19 20:19

Re: Official specs of Jolla phone surface

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1375430)
qHD? Really?
So the most talked thing about sailfish was android compatibility and now this. :(
I'm glad I didn't preorder anything. Maybe they'll do it right next time.
I didn't expect galaxy 5, not even a galaxy 3 but this............
For 400€ I can get 2 or 3 similary speced chinese phones. And after all, it is all about android compatibility. :(

To me at least its about the UI more than anything. I'm also quite interested to see how that I2C will be used, though real products there will likely take a long time.
Granted any of these devices (N900, N9, Jolla phone) have never been my main phone. They have been toys to play, thinker around and something different.

Personally have nothing against android compatibility. I probably would not jump to this phone if the situation was the same as it was on N900 and N9 launch.

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