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TheKit 2017-03-04 08:37

SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)
This is a testing version port of SailfishOS to Motorola Droid 4 (maserati), based on CyanogenMod 11.0.

What works:
  1. Graphics
  2. Sound
  3. Mobile data and calls
  4. Wi-Fi
  5. Camera (for taking photos/videos)
  6. Hardware keyboard

Known issues:
  1. [s]Video recording doesn't work yet[/s]
  2. Bluetooth discovery works, but no proper connection
  3. CDMA networks are completely untested and probably don't work
  4. No FM radio

It's intended to work with SafeStrap, due to device's non-unlockable bootloader. SailfishOS install/init scripts were modified to allow booting from secondary slots and safe rom slot.
  1. Boot to SafeStrap recovery and switch to the slot you want to use
  2. If it's not a new slot, please wipe data/system to avoid potential issues. [s]Don't install it to stock slot[/s]. Stock slot install is fixed now, but please be careful and have device fully charged.
  3. Flash
  4. Flash on top of it


Thanks to carepack, who initially started the port, and all the great people at #sailfishos-porters and SailfishOS community.

26.04.17 update:
New image with SailfishOS
  • A lot of small but troublesome issues mentioned in the topic fixed.
  • Video recording works now.

08.04.18 update: SailfishOS

There is no update path from older image yet, I'm still waiting for OBS to be set up for the device.

nthn 2017-03-04 11:35

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)
Getting a Bluetooth keyboard to work on a device with a keyboard built in is probably not very important anymore. Thanks for expanding the reach of Sailfish!

mautz 2017-03-04 13:26

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)
Nice work!

matemana 2017-03-04 14:53

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)
Great work!

m4r0v3r 2017-03-04 15:42

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)
where did you buy the phone from?

TheKit 2017-03-04 16:04

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1524739)
where did you buy the phone from?

Bought it from eBay (this seller) and used Russian forwarding company to send it from USA to Russia, since the seller doesn't send here and often it's actually cheaper than seller shipping directly.

m4r0v3r 2017-03-05 01:02

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)

Originally Posted by TheKit (Post 1524741)
Bought it from eBay (this seller) and used Russian forwarding company to send it from USA to Russia, since the seller doesn't send here and often it's actually cheaper than seller shipping directly.

my days its $24.

matemana 2017-03-05 11:20

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 1524772)
my days its $24.

That's why they use prices like that. It's 25$ not 24!

That works pretty well. For only 299$ it's 300 not 200 and something :D

moodroid 2017-03-05 17:29

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)
Hi TheKit,

Thank you so much for this - excellent work, and great to have a new OS to try on my Droid 4.

Were you able to access the phone's internal storage or an external SD card at all? I'm not sure whether it's me not knowing what I'm doing, or something that hasn't been implemented yet?


TheKit 2017-03-05 18:04

Re: SailfishOS on Motorola Droid 4 XT894 (alpha port)

Originally Posted by moodroid (Post 1524834)
Hi TheKit,
Were you able to access the phone's internal storage or an external SD card at all? I'm not sure whether it's me not knowing what I'm doing, or something that hasn't been implemented yet?

Hasn't been implemented yet. Actually internal storage is mounted for SafeStrap to /ss folder. To access it as nemo user, set developer password, go to terminal and:

usermod -a -G media_rw nemo

I will fix this in new build. As for external SD, it probably won't mount yet due to OS considering mmcblk0 (external SD) as internal storage and mmcblk1 (phone NAND) as external storage, since it's usually the other way around. I'll look for workaround for this.

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