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dredlok706 2022-04-06 17:52

Bulding a Qt 4.7.4 app for MeeGo
On Symbian we have Discord client:
Sources are there, it uses Qt 4.7.4 on Symbian.
Could anyone explain me, is it possible to build it for MeeGo, if yes, how?
I have Qt creator installed.


Halftux 2022-04-08 10:44

Re: Bulding a Qt 4.7.4 app for MeeGo

Originally Posted by dredlok706 (Post 1573890)
Could anyone explain me, is it possible to build it for MeeGo, if yes, how?
I have Qt creator installed.

You mean for Harmattan should be possible. But first I would patch Qt network module and maybe compile newer openssl.

Which Qt creator you have installed?

Halftux 2022-04-10 08:28

Re: Bulding a Qt 4.7.4 app for MeeGo
So I had a closer look at the source and most of the code is some java. And for the Qt part there are some libraries involved which doesn't exist on Harmattan. For sure you will need some rewriting for the widgets part. About the java thing I don't know.

freemangordon 2022-04-11 06:52

Re: Bulding a Qt 4.7.4 app for MeeGo
Umm... this is js/qml, not java, IIUC.

dredlok706 2022-04-13 19:26

Re: Bulding a Qt 4.7.4 app for MeeGo
So that's not for me :)
I am completely new in these topics. Anyway, thank you.

nonsuch 2022-04-15 10:11

Re: Bulding a Qt 4.7.4 app for MeeGo

Originally Posted by dredlok706 (Post 1573943)
So that's not for me :)
I am completely new in these topics. Anyway, thank you.

That's not what freemangordon meant. His comment was directed at Halftux.

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