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fcrochik 2010-06-26 02:55

[Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click

EDIT 02/23/2011

For up-to-date information on this project, FAQ and more screenshots click here.

MyContacts is available on all 3 repositories (extras, extras-devel and extras-testing).

Laughing Man 2010-06-26 03:01

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click
Very.. Very nice!

Edit: If anyone wants a free program to turn .mp3s into .wavs (and to edit them). Try Audacity.

Edit: What happens if I put people into groups into the widget, but then I close the widget. Is the grouping no longer in effect? I'll test it tomorrow (everyone is asleep).

soredawg 2010-06-26 03:30

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click
fantastic app. Great appearance and well oreganised.

alienhead 2010-06-26 04:16

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click
dude this awesome. I got rid of the contacts on the desktop and move them to the applet. Now i can have more contacts and group them.
Thank you.

mtjioe 2010-06-26 06:21

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click
Great Program and applet!! Will try it out immediatly!

mtjioe 2010-06-26 06:48

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click
OK just tried it out.

The applet looks really great. But there are still some bugs. It's quite unstable.
- adding a contact to a group will sometimes crash the application
- the applet should IMHO be a standalone app, Because at this moment when MyContacts crahses the applet is removed also.
- It would be great to be able to add contacts without a thumbnail to the contacts group. So give it a default icon with a name...
- It would also be great to allow adding a specific number of a contact to the speeddial in the applet (and if so allow for adding several contacts twice (but with different phone numbers)... I really miss the quite normal speeddial functions as used on eg symbian devices (E90)...
- Perhaps double clicking for call is not the best idea, perhaps long press is better?
- The contacts list is not sorted, and clicking on the keyboard just searches for the first character in a name, it should use a incremental search.

Keep up the good work, this could easily grow to be one of the most usefull programs on my N900!!

nizanh 2010-06-26 06:49

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click

I've just installed your app, but I don't get a desktop app, nor options to group :(

The version that I get in AppMan is 0.0.6-1


mtjioe 2010-06-26 06:53

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click
The applet is only installable from within MyContacts
The group option is available from the applet config or from within MyContacs (took a while to figure it out). When you have tht popup dialog with the icons on the left, you will have zero contacts in each group (visible on the right). Just click the zero button and now you can add contacts to that group.

casper27 2010-06-26 07:00

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click
I have also installed App but dont have the applet option.The Mycontacts app works really well and sees all my contacts but there seems to be no way of exporting them to an applet/widget on the desktop.
Great App though.

nizanh 2010-06-26 07:09

Re: [Announce] MyContacts - 75 contacts on your desktop, custom ring tones per group and call with double-click

Originally Posted by mtjioe (Post 729883)
The applet is only installable from within MyContacts
The group option is available from the applet config or from within MyContacs (took a while to figure it out). When you have tht popup dialog with the icons on the left, you will have zero contacts in each group (visible on the right). Just click the zero button and now you can add contacts to that group.


I can't see where to install the applet though! MyContacts loads, and shows my the thumbnailed contacts. When I click 'MyContacts' in the title bar I see


That's it.

Do I have an old version?


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