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gerbick 2011-10-01 20:12

[REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9
I hope that this isn't taken as a hostile request, nor do I wish to overstep any boundaries. However in a very recent post, I had an odd epiphany and thought that I'd bring this forward to the TMO Community Committee for consideration and/or as an option.

We already know of Nokia's plan to release the Nokia N9, a Harmattan UI/MeeGo 1.2 based telephone in only certain areas of the world. We've been rather patient, some of us have been found particular ways around this - no updates from Amazon, Expansys nor other retailers that we have a lot of experience and trust with (sorry, I've never heard of nor used MobileCity for instance) and I think it would be advantageous for Nokia to sell the Nokia N9 directly to the community via a community purchase program.

In it, we'd like to know what our potential - or lack thereof - warranties might be in our respective countries, and I'm quite sure we'd be willing to pay to ship it to a standard location - even if it meant sending it overseas.

In just 2 days, I have amassed 24 requests to find out how much it would cost to obtain a Nokia N9 from Mexico. For this community and the people within, I am very willing to investigate this for them since the people here have always been very respectful, helpful and if I could find a way to get the last Maemo derived device into their hands I will try to do so.

But it shouldn't have to be like that. We shouldn't be waiting like we have been made to do so in so much uncertainty. There just has to be a better, alternative way.

So why not see/ask if there is a likelihood for a community purchase program? The eCommerce solutions in the USA and Canada - I believe the UK as well - have been all shut down.

It's just a thought, a longshot, but at this moment, I'd thought I'd put it out there as opposed to not.

Thank you in advance and I hope that you do not think that I am a crazy person for proposing this.

Read: Take our money Nokia. We are the group that is willing to pay for it. We are the developers that will continue to use your products. We are the people that supported each step of Maemo thus far. And outside of the 300+ folks that received the Nokia N950, we're the ones that want Harmattan in our hands and unfortunately live in countries you have overlooked for the moment.

Take our money Nokia.

Texrat 2011-10-01 20:17

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9
I'd pursue it if I knew who to ask... but sadly Nokia has changed too much for me to know where to start now.

prankster 2011-10-01 20:19

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9
something impossible !!

somedude 2011-10-01 20:19

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9
Where are qgil and peter lately may be they can shed some lights on this?
Can council not pursue this with official channel?

Texrat 2011-10-01 20:22

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9

Originally Posted by somedude (Post 1100732)
Where are qgil and peter lately may be they can shed some lights on this?
Can council not pursue this with official channel?

Quim and Peter will very likely not be able to enable this. We're not talking a community device program here for developers, etc. It won't hurt to ask them, of course, but don't expect much action.

prankster 2011-10-01 20:24

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 1100733)
Quim and Peter will very likely not be able to enable this. We're not talking a community device program here for developers, etc. It won't hurt to ask them, of course, but don't expect much action.

Every one knows that ,lets just not pretend !!

gerbick 2011-10-01 20:31

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 1100733)
Quim and Peter will very likely not be able to enable this. We're not talking a community device program here for developers, etc. It won't hurt to ask them, of course, but don't expect much action.

I don't have any hopes, to be honest - nothing against the aforesaid names, I just know that Nokia will not make anything available to this community as they have never done so (to my knowledge). If anything, consider this the mad ranting of a person that wants a Plan B to my very own Plan B.

The inevitable and upcoming "no" will invariably be stated around things like the costs therein, the necessary manpower, and so forth. But at the same time, I can only do my part - I asked.

uvatbc 2011-10-01 20:36

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9
You know, this might actually be one of those times when the customer goes to the supplier and pushes the demand and the money in his face.

"Gimme dammit!"

jotoco 2011-10-01 21:14

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9
even though I already pre ordered, if it means that I can help it into more people's hands, I'm in!
Specially since demand is way higher than what should come as total to Brazil.

Texrat 2011-10-01 21:26

Re: [REQUEST] Community purchase plan for the Nokia N9
Understand that I'm certainly not trying to throw a wet blanket on anything-- I just can't see Quim or Peter making something like this happen. It will have to come from somewhere else... just not sure who offhand.

Two things to consider here:

1. The N9's popularity. I'll be frank here: thanks to my own former work with the Maemo products, contacts and continued community work, I have received every single device from the 770 to the N950 free of charge. That said, I do not anticipate ever coming remotely close to getting an N9. It is just in too big of a demand. I'm betting Nokia will free up very few for out-of-channel acquisition.

2. Elop's attitude. He comes across as not wanting this device to succeed... which it will do anyway. But ultimately he would have to approve irregular distributions... and I don't see that happening.

However, let's try to find ways around those limitations...

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