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nonsuch 2020-12-01 07:34

Phone Camera Competition Dec 2020, extended until Jan 2021: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"
Edit Dec 28, 2020:
There will be no voting in the end of december. The whole month's topic has been extended 1 month. Official end of contributions and beginning of voting starts Jan 27, 2020!

One of my favorite topics is man-made vs. natural in juxtaposition.
Light/dark seems fitting for the time of the year. Here in Finland the days are getting really short.

So the theme is
Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural

  • Photos must be taken during this month and posted before voting starts.
  • Photos must be taken by the posting member.
  • Photos must be taken with your phone's camera.
  • Post processing is allowed but you have to say what you did.
  • Users must name the phone and software they used.
  • There can be only one entry per user, but posting multiple pictures is OK. The user must specify which picture is the entry for the month.
  • Users can change their entry only once.
  • The three day voting period starts on December January 27th at 20:00 UTC and ends 00:00 UTC of February 1st (don't ask me to actually enforce timezone precision).
  • The winner of the vote should choose next month's competition theme, and open a new thread.
  • You are allowed to continue posting in this thread after the competition.


Maemish 2020-12-02 06:04

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"
I have told to my family about these competitions and also when I have won. Now when I said that I have to wrap up the votes for this month's competition and was a bit burdened of it (yeah, a big task) my 14 years old daughter asked how many competitors there are. When I said about ten her eyes went wide and she said: "Ten? Are you serious? I thought this was a real competition. How many people are there in this community?" "You mean active members? About ten to twenty." She sighed and said: "I thought you belonged to a real community."

But it is not about the amount but about the quality. So much to learn these kids. The social media with followers that only counts corrupts them. If you don't have followers in hundreds of thousands you are nothing. And yet even one person is enough to change the world, one follower. And million followers can be without any effect on real life.

john_god 2020-12-02 12:11

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1570352)
When I said about ten her eyes went wide and she said: "Ten? Are you serious? I thought this was a real competition. How many people are there in this community?" "You mean active members? About ten to twenty." She sighed and said: "I thought you belonged to a real community."

I usually don´t post often, I'm a low profile on social media, I usually just dont have anything to say or I just don't feel the social media hype. But I like to come here everyday, or at least every week to read the posts, and I guess there are tons like me :p


But it is not about the amount but about the quality. So much to learn these kids. The social media with followers that only counts corrupts them. If you don't have followers in hundreds of thousands you are nothing. And yet even one person is enough to change the world, one follower. And million followers can be without any effect on real life.

nonsuch 2020-12-03 19:25

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"
I thought, on re-reading, that some of my thoughts about this month's theme could be interpreted as restrictions, so I removed most of it again.

Nevertheless, here's an example of what my theme might be about (taken on 30th Nov, not my entry for this month):


Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1570352)
my 14 years old daughter asked how many competitors there are. When I said about ten her eyes went wide and she said: "Ten? Are you serious? I thought this was a real competition. How many people are there in this community?" "You mean active members? About ten to twenty." She sighed and said: "I thought you belonged to a real community."

Nothing against your daughter, but yeah, kids.
Reminds me of 1st graders that just learned to count - and think they understand what makes the world go round - which means they're able to point at the most expensive article in any shop window or advertisment leaflet, and say: "I want this one. it's the best!"

nonsuch 2020-12-24 22:50

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"
Ho-hum. Not much activity here.

I found a sort of art installation today while taking a walk.
It's a non-populated area, but with lots of people taking a walk/run etc.

Of course it was dark, so the topic applies, but these are videos:
The timestamp says half past four, that's pitch dark around here at this time of year...

The first one is really dark but you can see some context when you put it in full screen with a dark background. But the sound is relevant.
The second one shows more surroundings, after I played with my camera's ISO settings.

So yes, these pipes are talking. they are part of a district heating system that is ubiquitous in the area I live in.
The sticker on it suggests it's somehow part of an awareness propaganda campaign for district heating (I've seen similar ads at bus stops etc.).

Anyhow, merry Christmas everyone!

mosen 2020-12-25 01:36

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"

Originally Posted by nonsuch (Post 1570555)
Ho-hum. Not much activity here.

Nothing to do with your topic at all!
December is the absolute low month on TMO.

I am sure some entries will follow.
Poke Poke.

mosen 2020-12-25 15:56

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"
Power to the people :D
Taken with Proš Advanced Camera, Cropped and straightened in Darktable.

Pentona 2020-12-25 23:23

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"
Xperia 10 Plus

robthebold 2020-12-26 16:02

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"
Sorry I've been a little quiet and haven't finished my homework yet. Home router had digital covid on Xmas Eve Eve, ran a fever and wouldn't work for a day.

Couldn't get a new one on the 24th, Micro Center was closed unexpectedly. Someone couldn't wait and busted in the place early Xmas morn and got in a gunfight with the cops! Not sure when I'll get back there for the router, but currently "Chief" is up and running again . . . for now.

This OT brought to you by the letter "X". Not that one, the other one.

mosen 2020-12-26 22:16

Re: Phone Camera Competition December 2020: "Contrast: Light and dark, man-made and natural"

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1570577)
Sorry I've been a little quiet and haven't finished my homework yet. Home router had digital covid on Xmas Eve Eve, ran a fever and wouldn't work for a day.

Is there a pattern?
I am sitting here with DSL cut off and Telekom claiming they cant fix it until next year...
Especially hard when looking at the still unemployed Fiberend behind my couch :D
Luckily i got hybrid LTE left for data but telefonie seems to be routed through DSL sololy in that wacky Speedport router i am forced to use.

BTW, Merry Christmas to all who care!

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