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endsormeans 2018-09-13 17:27

EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
Very very ugly news concerning copyright laws and the future of the internet as we know it.

I just grabbed one of the first articles I saw...

I usually read some of the less"dramatic" articles from other news ....
and even they were pretty grim in the coverage....

endsormeans 2018-09-13 18:51

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
100% agreed Dave....

endsormeans 2018-09-13 19:00

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
a few of the other media articles speak of a database that copyright content is weighed against...

geez ..what a nightmare... archive..wayback machine...
SOOO many valid places...
So much info, and data...
There will be a ton of "blank" spaces everywhere...

and the cost of implementation of these laws.. for small fries...
will not will hurt I am sure...

catbus 2018-09-13 19:06

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
Hey wait...

... so Paul McCartney backed the new law?

Where is Justin Bieber?


endsormeans 2018-09-13 19:43

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
thanks catbus...
there is an "upside" I never saw...
less Bieber everywhere...
hopefully less Kardashians everywhere too...

pichlo 2018-09-13 19:48

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1548429)
Anyone has copyright the word meme.

He has not copyrighted it but the word was coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene, first published in 1976. Which means you can use it freely but you cannot copyright it yourself because it can be proven that you did not invent it.

Seriously, Dave, in this day and age, things are sooooo easy to look up.

mscion 2018-09-13 20:07

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
I suggest we get rid of copyrights all together or put a cap on how much you can make off something you copyright.

endsormeans 2018-09-13 20:27

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
Canada has an interesting take on copyright... purchase a movie ...a music album...a game...
you do not have a right to disseminate the product you bought ...share it...that is...or profit from it...
but ...say you lose or your copy is destroyed...allowing one to get another copy is allowed...
Paying over and over and over again for something one has already purchased truly criminal...

Respect of copyright laws is important...
But there are extremes that are too much...

If stringent enforcement is the end result...
then ...
eventually ...
no one will be able to sing "Happy Birthday..."
it is copywrit after all....

and that is just the beginning...
stringent enforcement could result in ...say...
you bought a film..or an album...or a song.
you as in "you"...
watching / listening to it with others who did not pay for it the privacy of your own home...
could be construed as copyright infringement through illegal dissemination of content...

the extremes it can be taken to are not pleasant...

mscion 2018-09-13 20:29

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
Putting a cap on copyright will help reduce the disparity of wealth in society.

pichlo 2018-09-13 20:56

Re: EU votes and it very well will change the internet as we know it.
Copyright and patents were designed to promote innovation by protecting the author. That is good idea in its heart. But, like so many things, they have been completely corrupted by lawyers. I seem to remember that the copyright on artistic work (music, books, paintings etc) was 20 years. That sounds reasonable. Now it is what, 80 years? 100? And they can be transferred, inherited, sold... Totally ridiculous. Totally the opposite of what the original intention was.

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