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snow_fox 2009-02-11 18:42

Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
So.. i know many of you out there have had issues with sdhc cards.

I posted a while back but, my kingston 8 gig sdhc card still won't work.

I tried it in my nc8430 laptop.. no success. It originally registered in my N810.. but, after copied a directory directly (it was labeled (g:) straight on to wahtever directory the kingston 8 gig was.. it has yet to work since.

If I put it in my phone (nokia... whatever whatever) it would show up.. but, I can't format it it.. I brought it to an acquaintence and when he put it in his phone again it showed up and asked him if he wanted to format it but, it said "unable to".

so.. long story short any workaround I use will most likely have to be from my n810.. I have tried damn never every trick on the net to get my comp to read it.. now I'm SOL. any suggestions? any ideas if there is a program for the n810 that might help?

nhanquy 2009-02-11 19:01

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
1 Put it back in the laptop.
2 Download low level format software ( post #2
3 Low level format

snow_fox 2009-02-11 20:24

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
I tried that once.. I tried that again just now. And the same results occured as before.

Except now in windows my laptop doesn't register a card at all (I checked with one i know works)

And the windows explorer isn't loading. (windows sucks.. I'm geting closer to just deleting that partition altogether.. if it weren't for school i probably would go ahead with it)

bigr3dd0g 2009-02-11 22:53

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
have you tried putting it in a digital camera? camera's usually have good software for formatting sd cards, especially panasonic ones

hordeman 2009-02-11 22:59

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
Is it a genuine Kingston card? Where did you buy it? It may be a fake... :(

snow_fox 2009-02-12 04:24

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
I tried putting it in my sanyo t700t the screen goes black and stays black.

If new egg is selling fake material then thats pretty bad.

I bought a targus adapert today... it at least shows it in my menu now.. however, the downside is I can't format it in ubuntu for some reason.

bunanson 2009-02-12 05:05

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved

Originally Posted by snow_fox (Post 263793)
...Except now in windows my laptop doesn't register a card at all (I checked with one i know works)

That tells you nothing except there is no/corrupted FAT partitions. Window$ does NOT read Linux partition. Window$ reads it ONLY if there is FAT partitions. PanasonicLowformatter will be the 1st try, if not, a linux box repartition should do it.


Lord Raiden 2009-02-12 12:02

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
Here's what I'd do. Put it in your Ubuntu machine. Fire up gparted, then take a peak at it. It should show up, because if others are seeing it, then the card is still viable. Another thing, make sure your contacts are clean. If they aren't, it could be fowling your connection. You can clean them with some rubbing alcohol and a qtip if you need to.

snow_fox 2009-02-12 18:02

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
I tried gparted actually.. it didn't register from my sd slot in my laptop.

I went out and bought an attachment for sdhc cards so I can plug it into a usb port.

now it is appearing again so. I am hoping to try gparted again when I get home.

If I plug it into the comps at school it will literally lock them up when I try to do anything. The upside is its registering as an h drive in windows, it was also registering in ubuntu.

So I am hopeful this horrible chapter of failed drive is almost over with.

I'll post as soon as any news occurs.

Lord Raiden 2009-02-12 19:50

Re: Kingstong 8 gig isues unresolved
Wait, it locks them up? If it's doing that, then the card somehow went bad. I've seen that behavior before with busted flash drives.

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