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conny 2009-10-23 16:58

Need translators to evaluate
To make live easier for users, translators and developers there is an objective to simplify the translation of our beloved applications.

This will benefit every one. Users will get translated software, translators will get a simple interface for creating translations and developers don't have to care about all that stuff anymore :)

You can help by just donating a couple of minutes to this community doing a bit translation work. After that tell us what you think about the process.

I registered Conboy on the website so we all can see how easy (or difficult) it is to use. The good thing is, that Conboy only has a view short strings, so the translation shouldn't take more than about 15 minutes.

What do you have to do if you want to help?

1) Go to and create an account
2) Tell me your user name and I will add you or just request to be added to the Conboy project directly on the website. I'll give out permissions as fast as I can.
3) Once you have the permissions, do some translations and submit them.
4) Tell us what you think about the process etc...

The project is here:
There are two components you can choose to translate only one of them or both.

All these translations will be used in the next release, and will bring you eternal fame and glory :)

Happy translating!

fpp 2009-10-23 17:19

Re: Need translators to evaluate
Done, user "fpp". bring it on :-)

mehdiE 2009-10-23 17:29

Re: Need translators to evaluate
Let's give it a try. Username: mehdi

conny 2009-10-23 18:06

Re: Need translators to evaluate
That's the spirit :) You're both added.

Tomaszd 2009-10-23 18:15

Re: Need translators to evaluate
Username: tomaszd.

conny 2009-10-23 18:19

Re: Need translators to evaluate

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 356693)
Username: tomaszd.

Added! Thanks :)

fpp 2009-10-23 18:24

Re: Need translators to evaluate
French translation updated. The interface is quite cool.

A couple of questions though :

1) What's "fuzzy" ?...

2) Some of my previous strings has colons (":") appended, so I suppose the originals had them, too. The new labels next to the text boxes don't have them any more (except #28, "Search:").
Must I remove them from the translations too ?

BTW, shouldn't #22 be "Forward" ?...

Tomaszd 2009-10-23 18:26

Re: Need translators to evaluate

Originally Posted by conny (Post 356695)
Added! Thanks :)

Would you be able to add the package name and description to the list of strings? You could also create a crowd-sourcing thread for these specific strings, like the other thread about "Classic Gaming Wallpapers".

Tomaszd 2009-10-23 18:28

Re: Need translators to evaluate

Originally Posted by fpp (Post 356698)
French translation updated. The interface is quite cool.

A couple of questions though :

1) What's "fuzzy" ?...

2) Some of my previous strings has colons (":") appended, so I suppose the originals had them, too. The new labels next to the text boxes don't have them any more (except #28, "Search:").
Must I remove them from the translations too ?

BTW, shouldn't #22 be "Forward" ?...

1) Fuzzy is a string that changed during the development process and a translation closest to it was matched using fuzzy logic :) It can be completely inaccurate, so check all of them.

2) Any changes in original strings must be reflected in the translations. 2009-10-23 18:28

Re: Need translators to evaluate
Only one question, how can I add new language? Then I try add translated or empty pot file a I only see this error:

"The uploaded file did not pass the correctness check. Please run 'msgfmt -c' on a terminal to see the errors."


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