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kev187 2010-06-28 18:20

[modest] Email is acting up, please Help
Ok I have two email accounts on my N900

a Mobile Me and Verizon from my DSL.

I have used both these accounts on my various T-mobile sidekicks over the years with NO ISSUES ever.

My N900 is not happy with them?

When I open email on my N900 both accounts say last updated 1005 and 1009pm, they always say this time, this is the time of night I set up both accounts. So it always says this time, then it pauses, then it says NO ACCOUNTS, then it updates to the current time when the accounts were last updated????

Then When I try to use the accounts, they are slow, clunkly, constantly refreshing & pretty much unusable most of the time?

What am I doing wrong?

I deleted both accounts & set them up again.. still the same issue?

Thanks for the help :-D

ToJa92 2010-06-28 18:25

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
Try setting up only one account, and then do a manual send & receive.

kev187 2010-06-28 20:13

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
No, its no good

I deleted both, restarted, set up one, did it manual, set up the other. Seemed fine.. now its back to acting like it was when 1st set up, then it flashes now accounts, then brings the accounts up, reading my emails is aggrivatingly slow.. always stuck updating?

Anyone have anything?

I love the phone, but I miss the speed of my T-mobile sidekick checking email. This thing is painfully slow & buggy. I am very tech savy, not some kid. I have gone through everything I can think of. I do not want to sell my phone because i cannot check email on it?

Has to be something basic?

leetut 2010-06-28 20:21

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
its never worked for me for 10 months!
tried every solution, angle, fix going

kev187 2010-06-28 20:31

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
I guess a re-flash of the N900 is too extreme? So basically the N900 email app is garbage? Should I start looking for another phone?

MiK546 2010-06-28 20:45

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
I think you should try this patch, it fixed all my problems with Modest (before it I had problems with updating too).

kev187 2010-06-28 20:55

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help

Originally Posted by MiK546 (Post 733163)
I think you should try this patch, it fixed all my problems with Modest (before it I had problems with updating too).


Little confused, do I unzip the file 1st? I downloaded the path and left it alone (did not unzip it) I put it in root (just drug it to the N900 folder right?) when I typed the code in the terminal it said (no such file?)

A little help please & thank you so much!

slvr32 2010-06-28 21:00

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
I reported this behavior as a bug a while ago :D

kev187 2010-06-29 03:17

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
Yeah, I tried the patch, no luck, now it wont even send email, everything fails. I might be going back to my sidekick & thats pretty sad... this powerful nokia device cannot even out think my trusty T-mobile sidekick ^ do the most basic task of reading & sending emails? I am really at a loss?

Hotshot 2010-06-29 15:57

Re: N900 Email is acting up, please Help
I too miss the days of the push email on the sidekick and the IM on there was flawless if you ask me. Just hated the 6mb email inbox limit. But my email has not been sending since yesterday afternoon. My data was acting up til this morning now its seems to be working but my email is a no go. :(

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