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lubabula 2010-09-10 01:50

Anyone got Quickflickr working?

Mine just loads up like 4 seconds and shutdowns and nothing happens.

igorlt 2010-09-10 02:34

Re: Quickflickr
My QuickFlickr keeps opened, but it doesn´t show the photos.

It only shows the comments and the name of the photos.

Dancairo 2010-12-02 23:26

Re: Quickflickr
Any news on Quickflickr? is it still being worked on?

prankster 2011-09-03 17:05

Re: Quickflickr
well after reading your comments ,i managed to talk to marko ( the developer of this app ) and he told me that cuz of certain issues he couldnt maintain this application .
issues mainly are :
1- only 3 developers ,no more no less
2-maemo is way too old for developers
But he also said that if some one could ask for any help to maintain quickflickr for N900 ,he could offer a serious help .
All we need is a volunteer right now who knows a little too much about Qt ,feel free to ask him for any help
check in here :
i hope some one can do this job and quickflickr will be perfect for maemo5 by then .

prankster 2011-09-04 17:44

Re: Quickflickr
if some one knows things and wants to improve quickflickr for N900,contact marko at
marko.a.mattila [at]

prankster 2011-09-04 20:12

Re: Quickflickr
i mailed him about the problem we are having atm with the quickflicker and got this reply ..


Do you mean packages of QuickFlickr? That wasn't too obvious for me, sorry about that. If you mean QuickFlickr, unfortunately I decided to drop the support of N900. I know that there are QuickFlickr users, but it would require too much effort at the moment to support N900. Other practical problem is that we have ran out all working N900s to test the application. We are only three developers and d-pointer is our hobby only atm, so we don't want to spend too much money for "old devices".

One option would be that community will work on QuickFlickr for N900 version. I'm willing to help if there are volunteers who would want to do QuickFlickr development for N900.



i hope some one can finish things right away ..

prosper 2015-05-18 15:53

Quickflickr - update Flickr API endpoints to support SSL
strange feeling to post to a dinosaur-age thread.
anyway, if anyone is reading this in 2015 - is there a way to update the API paths in the application code? It's been almost a year since Flickr switched to ssl.

I contacted Marko, the original developer, and he said he uninstalled the QT SDK years ago and he doesn't care about the app anymore (which is not surprising). I tried to replace the paths manually in hex editor, but after all the app kept on loading forever.

Would be great to refresh this app as it is brilliant in terms of design and usability. I thought It is as easy as adding "s" to the http links, but it seems it's not.

Any info would be appreciated.

Copernicus 2015-05-18 16:21

Re: Quickflickr - update Flickr API endpoints to support SSL

Originally Posted by prosper (Post 1470727)
strange feeling to post to a dinosaur-age thread.
anyway, if anyone is reading this in 2015 - is there a way to update the API paths in the application code? It's been almost a year since Flickr switched to ssl.

Well, I am able to bring up the project in my copy of the Qt 4.x SDK. Not sure what all I would need to do to build and run a QML app, though; I've only been using QML with Qt 5.x apps... I'll investigate.

elros34 2015-05-18 16:40

Re: Quickflickr
I think this should fix the problem.

    QSslConfiguration config = QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration();

Copernicus 2015-05-19 01:34

Re: Quickflickr

Originally Posted by elros34 (Post 1470734)
I think this should fix the problem.

Yup, that seems to get it working; I'm now able to open the Flickr webpage and get to my account. Still a few bugs to work through, though; I'm hitting a problem described as "Cannot queue arguments of type 'QNetworkConfigurationPrivatePointer'", which is apparently a known Maemo 1.3 bug, as well as some QML odds & ends (probably due to my use of a different version of Qt than was used by the original developers.)

Anyway, I'll see if I can get it running...

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