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stickymick 2012-01-19 22:18 shut down.
As I've seen a few of the developers on here post links to Megaupload for us to download some apps and config files I thought it best to give a heads-up to this story:

Megaupload shut down.

gerbick 2012-01-19 22:29

Re: shut down.
2 years of investigation, a music based CEO (Swizz Beats) and getting closed on the eve of SOPA being put down to rest for good... hmm.

stickymick 2012-01-19 22:34

Re: shut down.
My thoughts exactly "If we're gonna go down lets take the biggest site with us."

law138 2012-01-19 23:30

Re: shut down.
Wow so what sites are going to be next ? 2012-01-20 01:07


Kangal 2012-01-20 04:58

Re: shut down.
I've heard Wikipedia, Google, YouTube and Facebook will also be completely shut down for protesting against Big Brother.

How will people find websites, venues and information then make a video of it and send it to their 3,000 friends who will translate that unto a public encyclopedia ?!?!?!?

stickymick 2012-01-20 09:34

Re: shut down.
We had our own SOPA style war over here in the UK. Lasted over 15 years.
Things didn't go so far as dozens of websites being hacked in a tit for tat, but it was damn nasty:
This guy was just sending out speculative letters to individuals, not businesses, but members of the public, just on a whim.

He was demanding lists of ISP's customers and their browsing habits, picking randomly and sending letters.

IMO the media industry shouldn't have been given carte blanche rights to take the law into their own hands, often riding roughshod over anyone who happened to stumble upon a file sharing site. They were supposed to be regulated, but a lot of their actions were often overlooked once a backhander had been paid to th regulators.

Mike Fila 2012-01-20 13:44

Re: shut down.
@ gerbick SOPA is not dead yet, MPAA and friends are not done. The 94 million they spent getting the legislation written will be fought for tooth and nail.

@kangal English WIki, Reddit and boing boing shut down yesterday left a loop hole the mobile site/api was still working. Still there were huge amounts of people complaining on twitter. Herpderpipedia was retweeting them, honestly I worry about the human race. Google blacked out it's doodle and facebook did nothing

@stickymick There was something passed recently for the EU, dont remember the name, but Ireland pretty much said FU were not implementing it. Now the MPAA is suing them. These fvckers have some sense of entitlement.

The scariest part is megaupload was taken down without SOPA/PIPA. While there may have been infringing content as stickymick pointed out people around here used it for legitimate reasons and now all that content is unavailable. It's like renting a storage unit and a few of the storage units in the building have stolen goods in them and the government seizes the whole building.

The truth is the internet scares the government and more important the media moguls like Ruppert Murdock because one man can actually have a voice that can be heard by millions. Something like that can really upset the statuesque they fight so hard to maintain.

stickymick 2012-01-20 17:00

Re: shut down.
I'm pretty sure more sharing and storage sites will follow megaupload's demise... Dropbox, xdrive and possibly wikipedia's own file hosting service may come under scrutiny.

IMO, the media and marketing are a threat to the stability of the web. I don't condone piracy in the slightest, but when you have people like Sony handing the tools to us on a plate, and then leading the charge to tar everyone with the same brush while spending so little time, effort and cash on actually making their own services secure against ID theft and waving the "It's at your own risk" flag as a get out, it certainly makes one wonder about the idea for the media industry to go solely digital in the first place.

I also remember not so long ago, not much more than 10 years ago, that the marketing and media moguls were demanding mobile phone manufacturers build devices with the Bluetooth permanently enabled so that when you walked past shops they could beam adverts and services straight to your handset. Nokia led the charge to beat that idea down, if I'm not mistaken.

MINKIN2 2012-01-22 23:00

Re: shut down.
And another one bites the dust. Filesonic is down too now, it is only available for users to retrieve their uploaded docs. Can't say I used it myself though, there were better sites IMO.

Maybe we will see the rise of P2P hosting again?

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