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wolke 2012-09-30 01:10

term vkb toolbar toggle
n9/n950 meego-terminal / mtermite / btinput-terminal
virtual keyboard

i hate swiping to get a new toolbar, so i made one that has a key that toggles a different character set.

1) right-click download the xml file
2) copy it to your toolbar dir
3) optionally backup and remove all the other toolbars {arrows.xml and shell.xml} from the toolbar dir

Tab Control Alt Escape Up Down Left Right TOGGLE
Star Slash Bar Dollar Amp Less Greater Hyphen TOGGLE

[t] [c] [a] [e] [▵] [▿] [◃] [▹] [↻]
[*] [/] [|] [$] [&] [<] [>] [-] [↺]

heres the toolbar:

downloading an xml file with entity refs can be tricky!
heres a tip from thedead1440 to make life easier:

Long-press and copy link...Then in terminal do:

i also made a nice script for generating toolbars. it lets me modify what buttons i like more quickly.

heres the script:

wolke 2012-09-30 01:12

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
n9 portrait, before pushing the ↻

n9 portrait, after pushing the ↻

n950 in landscape

thedead1440 2012-09-30 01:32

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
wolke your .pl script has this command: my $toolbarDir = '/opt/mtermite/toolbars'

However, I couldn't find this path on my device...Do we need to mkdir it? or?

wolke 2012-09-30 01:35

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
oh sorry about that. it really shouldnt copy it to the device, it should just produce the xml and let you put it where you like.

btw, mtermite is the continuation of meego-terminal.

thedead1440 2012-09-30 01:40

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
Ah so I just take your xml file and save it in /usr/share/meego-terminal/toolbars?

wolke 2012-09-30 01:41

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
gimme a min, im gonna make it so you can just run this on the phone and it will do what it should

wolke 2012-09-30 01:45

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
ack, i have to go. yes, that should work, and backup and remove arrows.xml and shell.xml.

let me know if that DOES work. it ought to, but i didnt test this on meego-terminal, only mtermite.

wolke 2012-09-30 01:48

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
by the by, i am officially re-N9-ed, thanks to an insanely generous friend of mine!

thedead1440 2012-09-30 01:51

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
Didn't work on meego-terminal...It says active toolbar "Wolke" but doesn't appear...I'll troubleshoot and post here...

Congratulations on your n9 :D

Edit: I think its something to do with the way i copied the content from your site into a .xml file...Will report again...

Edit2: After fixing my mistake it still didn't work...I'll now proceed to copy the patterns of the shell.xml file and then report back...

wolke 2012-09-30 01:58

Re: term vkb toolbar toggle
yea sorry about that, i forgot that most people dont use mtermite.
ill look into it later, hopefully its not insurmountable.

also, [c] and [a] work like [Ctrl] and [Alt] respectively, but they dont turn dark/light. {this is because the toggle mechanism hardcodes the text back to 'Ctrl' instead of 'c'}

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