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shmerl 2013-11-04 16:23

About Sailfish community

shmerl 2013-11-04 17:00

Re: About Sailfish community
Related discussion on Diaspora.

Dave999 2013-11-04 17:00

Re: About Sailfish community
That was very long. I sleept after the first 65 words... Hope I'm more in reading mood later. :(

setter 2013-11-04 17:25

Re: About Sailfish community
It is always well-mannered to start the thread in the correct forum.

wicket 2013-11-04 22:57

Re: About Sailfish community
I'm afraid that this Jolla community announcement comes as too little, too late for me.

I had been quite interested in the Jolla project for a while but now with the Neo900 project gaining momentum I have little incentive to go with Jolla.

Here are just a few reasons off the top of my head why I'm backing the Neo900 over Jolla:
  • True community project - they have not ignored TMO and have involved us from the beginning.
  • Both hardware and software are developed in the open.
  • The team have listened to and responded to all (reasonable) opinions and suggestions.
  • They have provided full transparency with regards to design decisions.
  • Full Debian will be available out of the box. Stable, secure and proven OS with instant access to thousands of packages that matter to me more than Android apps.
  • X11. Wayland isn't ready yet IMHO - I trust the Debian project to deliver Wayland once it can fully replace X.
  • No unmaintained GPLv2 packages (The reason for this is that the Mer project favours Tivoisation!).
  • Unlike Jolla, they haven't provided an SDK to only then change fundamental parts of it in the subsequent release that affect applications that have already been developed. I was working on LXC support and they took away X11. I won't even have to do anything to use this on the Neo900 as LXC is already available in Debian.
  • I'm not the world's biggest systemd fan. Good idea in principle but poorly implemented.

The main incentive left for the Jolla device would be the superior hardware but if hardware was the most important aspect I would buy an Android device.

mece 2013-11-04 23:33

Re: About Sailfish community
I would actually like to see Jolla in this community, and hopefully get support from them to keep things running etc. All the previous devices still benefit from this community, and a (hopefully successful) commercial product would bring more general life to the site, which I think would greatly help sustain the community.



Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1384402)
I'm afraid that this Jolla community announcement comes as too little, too late for me.

I had been quite interested in the Jolla project for a while but now with the Neo900 project gaining momentum I have little incentive to go with Jolla.

Here are just a few reasons off the top of my head why I'm backing the Neo900 over Jolla:

What is this post doing in this thread wicket? I'm sure your points are valid, but please don't campaign against a product which has a place in the same community. You can post your list of reasons for supporting Neo900 ih the Neo900 thread in a positive manner instead. No need to try to disrupt the other platforms on here.

MartinK 2013-11-04 23:45

Re: About Sailfish community
Yeah I see the Neo900 and Jolla device as quite complementary and if possible one should get both. :)

Eeach of them has its upsides and downsides, but all in both projects can help each other, even if indirectly by providing a true Linux based mobile alternative to the current platforms.

Also even though there are architectonic differences, both should be quite compatible (no botched libc like on Android; have DBUS, Qt, Python, ...) so stuff ported/developed for one of them should be quite easily ported to the other.

wicket 2013-11-04 23:58

Re: About Sailfish community

Originally Posted by mece (Post 1384409)
What is this post doing in this thread wicket? I'm sure your points are valid, but please don't campaign against a product which has a place in the same community. You can post your list of reasons for supporting Neo900 ih the Neo900 thread in a positive manner instead. No need to try to disrupt the other platforms on here.

I'm very sorry if you and others have taken my post to be a campaign against Jolla, that certainly wasn't my intention.

I felt it was relevant to post here as I had high hopes for the Jolla device but ultimately it was their community failings which lead me away. There's nothing wrong with a bit of constructive criticism. I wish Jolla every success and if they can fix some of these issues by the time they bring out another device, perhaps they can tempt me next time around.

I feel my previous post is on topic and should stay in this thread but if mods disagree then please move it.

juiceme 2013-11-05 06:05

Re: About Sailfish community

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1384412)
I'm very sorry if you and others have taken my post to be a campaign against Jolla, that certainly wasn't my intention.

I felt it was relevant to post here as I had high hopes for the Jolla device but ultimately it was their community failings which lead me away...

Just out of interest, please define community to me? :)

shmerl 2013-11-28 21:44

Re: About Sailfish community
What's going on with Sailfish bugtracker? Why is Jolla hesitant to open one?

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