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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
[...]places like China, India, Thailand etc. [...]
nope, not those...

Originally Posted by by James G on March 15, 2011
ELECTRONIC GEAR: Nokia – The AK-47 of Cell Phones
So when 3rd world rebels, bearded High-Speed low drag types, spies and Mercenaries need to make a call what phone do they pick-up? When I get the call to hop on a plane to some 3rd world war zone for a ridiculous amount of money what type of phone do I throw in my bag?

Sony Ericsson? No way, it’ll break in a week. Motorola? It won’t last 3 days before it breaks into two pieces. iPhone? **** no [I would rather use two tin cans and a string than anything “I” in the 3rd world.]

So what is my and just about every other operator’s choice for a cell phone if we will be working in some of the most hostile and hardest use environments in the world?

Nokia – any model

Yep, just about everyone I tell this too is surprised when I say “I would rather use a pay phone than use any cell phone but Nokia in a War Zone”. But walk around a base in Iraq or around a city in Africa and you will see what I am talking about. Nokia is one of the most prevalent phones in the third world, and for good reason.
war... the favorite game of mankind... that's where the money lies ¦-)