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SD69 - Thanks for this - I saw your comment in the thread I posted. Allow me to add what I can:
Originally Posted by SD69 View Post
Well, now it is made public, after a brief period of secrecy, that - surprise! - MeeGo will refuse
So, to clarify ... MeeGo use LF to provide hosting. LF have been advised by their legal to refuse us. LF can't/won't say any more.

Originally Posted by SD69 View Post
The sad situation was rather unofficially described by lbt here:
Wouldn't say unofficial - LF told me directly (phone call so no transcription) then followed up with mails cc'ed to Dawn and Quim and Ibrahim. I just volunteered to do the comms.

Originally Posted by SD69 View Post
Unfortunately, the problem has not been succinctly stated and rather vaguely blamed on patents, so it is hard to address the possible solutions and effect. But it seems to a sucker punch to the kidneys.
Yes. It hurt.

snip of Maemo vs MeeGo.


Yes, IMNSHO Maemo is a dead platform (not community) now. MeeGo is where it is happening. IMHO the Maemo community should be extending to encompass MeeGo and not getting hung up over a name. Of course, by not doing so, MeeGo is being controlled by the only people over there ... corporates.

I have this not entirely positive image of all the maemo kids standing on one side of the playground and drawing lines in the dirt to differentiate maemo from meego.... it's a big open space and no-one is stopping you from being friendly and helping the new project work. Intel are not evil, they're just not experienced at doing OSS community. Nokia took years to get it ... (I was going to say "right") to where it is now.

Originally Posted by SD69 View Post
The proposed alternative site ( seems to be a corporate-sponsored site from our own long lost friend, Nokia.

A run by the community would never make such a decision.
ROFL - (we have both) is more grass-roots than maemo. Currently it's "owned" by Thomas, Neils and I. Whilst we are contractors even we don't have the spare cash to setup all the HW needed ... so you bet your arse it's running on corporate provided HW :


(who we recognise still have an interest in making Harmattan apps work)

Oh. It also sits in the same rackspace as .... for now.

Originally Posted by SD69 View Post
To maemo and other mobile linux developers, to those of you who support open source, those of you who have said maemo is dead, and those of you who have accepted "free" N950s - think carefully, think twice, and please continue to support

To those in burying their heads in the sand: MeeGo community is young and needs people who are passionate about ensuring it grows into a real opensource community. That won't happen if you don't get involved. If the name change bothers you then think of the new T-shirts...

BTW .. did I mention that Neils and I made a huge effort to make the MeeGo infra support Fremantle and Harmattan.... if that's not "continue to support" then what is?

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