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i know this is not the answer you are hoping for, but hereafter an excerpt of the last Council's meeting...

[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:30:25] <SD69> For point B. let me preface by saying there is the impression that the community suffers because there is currently not enough bodies maintaining
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:30:53] <X-Fade> What do you think needs more maintaining?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:31:17] <SD69> package promotion
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:31:42] <X-Fade> Why don't you just add more supertesters to the group in garage then?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:31:42] <SD69> and this is because package maintainers go awol, etc.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:32:24] <SD69> how do we do that - I mean give you names or what?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:32:43] <X-Fade> Just add them to the group yourself?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:33:00] <X-Fade> I thought you were admin in that project?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:33:08] <X-Fade> Or did achipa manage this?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:33:19] <SD69> it was not me
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:33:30] <X-Fade>
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:33:42] <SD69> I admit the handoff of community tasks has not always been smooth
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:34:13] <X-Fade> Changing the people there will give them rights. 3 votes from supertesters cause promotion.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:35:01] <SD69> and do you a suggestion for applying new maintainer when the previous one goes awol?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:35:49] <X-Fade> I'd say write to -developers, ask for comments and if there is no response or no objections, I can change it?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:36:07] <X-Fade> At least we need to do this in public.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:36:44] <SD69> of course in public
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:37:27] <SD69> but you seem to have busy schedule...
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:37:39] <X-Fade> I mean to give the original maintainer some place to respond.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:37:55] <X-Fade> I just need a clear list every X amount of time.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:38:08] <X-Fade> I can't go through random posts on forums etc.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:38:21] <X-Fade> So if you assign someone to keep a list etc, I'm fine with that.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:38:48] Quit mairas has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:38:59] Join mairas has joined this channel (mairas@nat/nokia/x-cqyjbrtchucngszk).
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:39:03] <misterc__> X-Fade, what is X amount of time & how much time would you then have?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:39:20] <X-Fade> I'd say process changes once a month or so?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:39:27] <SD69> I have busy schedule too...
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:39:36] <mairas> sorry, proxy disconnects randomly :-(
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:39:51] <X-Fade> Let's try to see if you can organize that and eval afterwards?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:40:24] <SD69> I'd rather give someone else some admin rights than go through a list - it could become a bottleneck in practice
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:41:15] <X-Fade> Doing adhoc changes to the repo is also not what you want.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:41:27] <misterc__> once a month seems okay. how much time can you muster for that? as much as needed?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:41:42] <X-Fade> You need people to step up and say: "Hey, that doesn't look right"
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:42:19] <X-Fade> Depending on the amount of packages, it is not that much work.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:42:31] <X-Fade> People just need to apply to be maintainer themselves.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:42:49] <X-Fade> And we then need a list of packages where we need to approve the change.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:43:26] Quit mairas has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:43:37] <misterc__> and after that, those ppl can do all needed tasks themselves (promoting packages aso.)?
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:43:44] Join mairas has joined this channel (mairas@nat/nokia/x-qljjirhhagtvpgwk).
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:43:45] <X-Fade> Yes.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:44:08] <X-Fade> Just like you add an extra maintainer to your own package.
[Thursday 12 January 2012] [14:44:50] <SD69> I think we can try it