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Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
As Sulu said, it is a hack-job pile of shít that barely runs. It could be so easy to fix if Nokia were not such a shower of cnuts.

Things to fix that we cannot because Nokia are a bunch of short sighted rétards:

1. The freaking kernel. Jesus christ, Give us the GOD DAMNED SOURCES for those stupid closed bits? What does it cost you? Just dump a tarball on megaupload or whatever, we will take it from there.

2. The file system. What brain dead mongoloid half spazz chimp thought breaking the file system across two discs was a good idea? Now we have /usr/ on the NAND and have to 'optify' everything!


4. Monolithic firmware updates. WHY U NO UPDATE PACKAGES LIEK DEBIAN???

5. Half ássed debian look a-like. Just base on debian fo' reals. Then we would not be in this obsolete hell.

6. Busybox & no man pages. WTF? why? We have over 32GB of storage, how much space did you REALLY save with this horse shít? I bet the stupid '9' trailer video and lame music that came on the eMMC take up more space than GNU utils proper.

N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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