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Originally Posted by nilchak View Post
I don't know why all of the negative (and worse dimissinve without having used it) comments are targeted at the parent poster ? He is happy having upgraded (yes upgraded) to the L900 and thats his chouice. He has stated clearly his ibservations that it is smooth and fast - and having used a N900 before that I would believe his comments have some basis to it.

So just because you happen to hate MS or Windows in whichever order that may be, you dissmiss the Lumia 900 and its WP7 OS as a downgrade ?
Come on get off your high horses and see the obvious.

I have used the L800 - and just to give you some background - I have been using Maemo and Meego up to the N950 right from the days of the N800 and using Linux on a handheld since the Zaurus days - and I can say that the Lumia 800 is a very good experience so far.

Yes there are shortcomings, lack of apps etc etc. but the N series came with a bagful of shortcomings as well (read the forum for historical rants when the N900 came out).

And for those doubting that the WP7 might not be or will not be the turnaroud for Nokia - thats a different topic altogether - and doesnt prove or disprove the merits of Lumia 900 at all.

I say to the poster - good for you. Good for experimenting with something new and good for trying to look out for new options irrespective of prejudices and uninformed opinainated forum comments. Wether it does really suffice as a complete solution can be found out only if you use it first.
thanks! btw, I'm a She don't know of any male queens hehe

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