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Originally Posted by debernardis View Post
The so-called "superbrick" bug happens when wiping a partition under some ICS firmwares, including the stock German LPY firmware, and maybe (still uncertain) the Taiwanese LPF.
It seems that the majority of EMMC chips in these devices are partially faulty and issuing a certain bulk erase command (which it seems ICS does and GB does not) the EMMC gets damaged. Someone could restore by repartitioning, some others had their partitions so damaged that nothing could be done.

I wouldn't have reverted if I hadn't to go to a congress where the Note will be my only device for taking notes, making presentations and consulting pdf's.
I think I'll risk again when I'm back.
The problem is this is happening from the kernel, not the ROM itself.
And since CWM is only a light front, its not really happenning on boot....which means you can BRICK your device while loaded in Android.

Entropy said its a very rare occurance, but under heavy I/O operations it wouldn't be impossible to replicate. Also that the bug is actually a feature from the AOSP which Samsung have accidentally enabled, that its always in the kernel. So if you wiped or flashed via CWM and didn't BRICK, it doesn't mean you don't have the bug it just means you got lucky...but your next flash can be the lethal one.

While its serious, and I have no idea how it even made it into an Official Update....there's many members spreading fud in the forums. I've come under personal attack because I warned some members because two "knowitalls" said if they developer cooks a rom with it he knows what he is doing and its safe *facepalm*

I'd recommend people to stay away from the LPY kernel.
LPF hasn't had any bricks (so far) that I know of, but I don't think its safe (since it was released close timing with the GER ota).
The safest is the Gingerbread kernels, i91004 kernel (CM9 nightly) or Abyss.

Also don't flash the LPF bootloader. Flashing bootloaders is extremely dangerous and should only be done if there's missing features. Since the stock Samsung bootloader works like a charm, there shouldn't be anyone flashing and putting themselves at pointless risk.

On good news, PARANOIDANDROID is available for the N7000.
What it is, is an AOSP based rom (cm9 nightlies) which sets the pixel density (dpi) at tablet mode but at highest possible setting = 213 dpi.
Then it has its own ROM Control, where you can select these awesome options:
- Set a custom dpi for ANY App, so each app is different (eg Carousel YouTube, large phone, dual-window Settings, dual-window Gmail etc etc)
- Select if the Notification Bar is visible for ANY app (so that you can hide it for some apps, or bring it forth for others eg angry birds)
..So its not tablet mode, its not phone mode...its a hybrid and you have all the choices, its what the NOTE needs.

Bad points about the ROM:
-based on CM9 nightlies
-bugs bugs bugs
-unoptimized kernel
-no UI options like AOKP ROM (Stunner/LiquidSmooth)
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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