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Originally Posted by n900_ View Post
Easy debian is much faster on seperate emmc partition.
I copied estel image to new created ext3 partition on emmc by dd.tool and changed chroot config to reading from mmcblk0p4
Libreoffice starting in 17-18seconds (cold start, swap restarted) and under 10seconds, when I run it before.

PS: Only cssu thumb, 500-900MHz clock and 1GB swap on microsd - no speedpatch, swappolube and other stuff like that
Next I converted it to ext4 partition and I noticed little performance boost - now libreoffice writter start in 16-17s after restarting swap (cold start) and 7-8s "hot" start

Wow! Amazing performance! I've just followed your steps to put ED on a dedicated ext4 partition as explained here and I can really feel a very good improvement while interacting with heavy software like Libre Office, Iceweasel and Inkscape. The UI, specifically, is way more responsive now.

But the loading times that I'm getting are nowhere near what you got (33-36 seconds to perform a cold load on LibreOffice Writer with 2GB of swap on SD restarted a few seconds before doing the test). I'm using Kernel-Power, BatteryPatch (max 805Mhz, left keyboard slide open and LCD turned on) and SpeedPatch. Surprisingly (at least for me) enabling Swappolube with proposed settings increased the loading time of the same test to 52-57 seconds!

I believe that CSSU-thumb should make a good difference due to lower memory usage by Fremantle apps, but I'm asking myselft if such huge difference couldn't be also because I'm using armel repositories while you may have tested with armhf ones? Or maybe some LibreOffice-specific configuration file that I missed?

n900_, which one of the Estel's image did you use in this test? I'm currently using the ED image debian-m5-sulu.img.ext2 (dist-upgraded to wheezy) on separated ext4 partition on eMMC.

I'm very excited to achieve similiar performance results as you demonstrated in the two videos by following your steps.