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Originally Posted by N770-Freak View Post
I don't know where to upload the syncevlolution package... Hope is fine with you guys.

The following package is based on the source from Ovek ( I just enabled dav support!

I did the following steps to sync with ownCloud 4.0.4. I don't know if there's a better way to configure syncevolution, but at least it seems to work .

You shoud first create a backup of your N9 calendar and addressbook!!! Don't blame me if you loose your data.

syncevolution --configure --template WebDAV username=MYNAME password=MYPASS  syncURL=http://MY.DOMAIN.TLD/owncloud/remote.php/ target-config@owncloud
MYNAME = ownCloud login name
MYPASS = ownCLoud password
MY.DOMAIN.TLD = domainname
@owncloud = identifier (maybe replaced with some other name. Important is that it is consistent within the whole configuration!)

If you are using ssl access with a selfsigned certificate, you'll have to use the following code instead:
syncevolution --configure --template WebDAV username=MYNAME password=MYPASS SSLVerifyServer=0 syncURL=https://MY.DOMAIN.TLD/owncloud/remote.php/ target-config@owncloud
CALDAV sync:
syncevolution --configure database=https://MY.DOMAIN.TLD/owncloud/remote.php/caldav/calendars/MYNAME/CALNAME/ backend=caldav target-config@owncloud mycalendar
https vs. http = change this according to the URL you are using
CALNAME = Name of your ownCloud calendar.
mycalendar = identifier for this caldav sync.

syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client sync=none syncURL=local://@owncloud username= password= owncloud
Don't enter any credentials! username/password must be empty.
owncloud = identifier...

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way backend=calendar database=N9calendar owncloud mycalendar
N9calendar = calendarname of your N9 (empty for default calendar!)

First sync [only first sync]:
syncevolution --sync slow owncloud mycalendar
Later on you should remove "--sync slow":
syncevolution owncloud mycalendar


syncevolution --configure database=https://MY.DOMAIN.TLD/owncloud/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/MYNAME/ADDNAME/ backend=carddav target-config@owncloud myaddressbook
https vs. http = change this according to the URL you are using
ADDNAME = Name of ownCloud calendar
myaddressbook = identifier

This can be skipped if done already for caldav sync:
syncevolution --configure --template SyncEvolution_Client sync=none syncURL=local://@owncloud username= password= owncloud
Don't enter any credentials! username/password must be empty.
owncloud = identifier...

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way backend=addressbook database= owncloud myaddressbook
First sync [only first sync]:
syncevolution --sync slow owncloud myaddressbook
Later on you should remove "--sync slow":
syncevolution owncloud myaddressbook

Hope that helps... (sorry for the bad text/layout structure, but I'm running out of time atm). Maybe someone else wants to put this in a proper wiki.
Original thread is here:

Is ths method possible with google carddav and caldav? And how exactly (a little easier guide to follow)?

P.S. Interesting line from

SyncEvolution GUI
SyncEvolution has a synchronization GUI, which is installed on MeeGo 1.2 as the ‘Sync’ application:
Is it possible porting it to Harmattan?
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Last edited by kollin; 2012-12-17 at 21:05.