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What I'm stating here is with my councilor hat on, but not yet checked back with all other council members.

I'm very much in line with thedead1440's post - except for me not considering Jolla's answer as any negative per se, and I think Hildon Foundation board is a bit overdoing on what the board can offer to Jolla. I'd prefer board to act a bit more humble, and to refer more to community it is suposed to serve, not posessing it (nobody ever is in posession of a community)

While council might have known of the content of HiFo's open letter in advance, it's still not on behalf of council, and council's point of view regarding the whole topic and the best way to aproach it might differ slightly.

When you're searching for supporters to donate funds, you usually don't want to do this in a "contract negotiation" way. I'd prefer to see board asking politely if funding could maybe considered by Jolla, and putting emphasis on the implicit "automatic" benefit for Jolla (regarding their good reputation/image) of doing so. Of course on top of this it's naturally when board puts supporters on their supporters-page, and I guess board won't hesitate to grant Jolla a huge "thank you!" there, designed in whatever way Jolla prefers. This is something board actually can offer, since they have control over it.

In addition the council offers to ask the maintainers of this very forum to have a sub-forum for sailfish/jolla here, if Jolla is interested (well, I guess we'll get that anyway, but hey :-D). If we at council can help in any other way to further/foster Jolla and sailfish, I'd ask Jolla to let us know - I think it's in best interest of maemo community to see Jolla and sailfish prosper and we're not in a position to demand anything. The support that maemo council offers to Jolla (however small it might be) is unconditional and based on good relations, mutual respect, and the common strive to bring the best most open phone OS to everybody.
A suggestion to Jolla regarding this: you could port sailfish to N900 as a technology preview or proof-of-concept, to instantly win the maximum possible attention and excitement in whole maemo community :-). I'm sure a lot of this community's gifted developers would instantly pick up and help on further development, even if maybe the implementation is partial at beginning and possibly (I don't know) the hw platform even might have limitations that never will allow sailfish to excel to what it no doubt will be on Jolla's future own products.

Best regards
jOERG (councilor)
Maemo Community Council member [2012-10, 2013-05, 2013-11, 2014-06 terms]
Hildon Foundation Council inaugural member.
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-01-07 at 19:24.

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