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Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast View Post
I have been running OMP in a terminal since I mentioned the issue again (post 1327).
This "Now Playing disappearing" happened again yesterday but fortunately while the screen was on and I was looking at it.

Nothing comes up in the terminal so there no debug information in text form.
However it happened when:-

*Receiving a text message with the screen unlocked and on after just sending a text. Only Terminal / OMP where running, display at the task switcher.

*I had just put the device down on a flat surface, it was starting to rotate to portrait from the text I just did in landscape.

*hildon-desktop restarted.

After the heavy CPU load of the hildon stuff restarting then the Now Playing menu jumped back to Artists.

I know there's a lot of irrelevant information here. I am trying to be as verbose as possible. It has never happened on a text before normally it's calls.

I have tested restarting h-h/h-d/h-s-m while OMP is open and cannot reproduce.

Hope this helps.
Restarting hildon-desktop when Now Playing is a child of the music window or one of its children did the trick for me, with 100% reproducibility. It should be fixed now.

Originally Posted by stickymick View Post
Been happening on my N900 since hell knows when.
It's not a bug in OMP I'm afraid.
It happens in KMPlayer also depending which player you have selected in settings.

If OMP uses that same player then that's your answer.

Can't seem to replicate it at the moment, but it has happened in KMPlayer with videos that are already almost full screen. Tap the "+" and the video switches hues.
The inverted colors are indeed not a bug in OMP. It happens if the window used to display the video is bigger than the screen, but only for some sizes of it -- resizing the window by a few pixels often returns the colors to normal. I tried to figure out when exactly it happens, but failed to find a pattern so far.

Originally Posted by toxaris View Post
Today all Thumbnails disappeared in Albums view. The thumbnail is visable in Now Playing.
I did a reboot to see if that helped, it did not.
I have done a Rebuild Database in Tracker-cfg and still no Thumbnails in Albums view.

Anything to do about that?
Have you tried with the stock player? I had a problem with video thumbnails that were not refreshed after playing a video, but the stock player managed to fix it with its magic. Too bad I couldn't listen to what it says to Tracker on D-Bus at that time, as it might be the answer to what needs to be done in such situation.

Originally Posted by DarkSide25 View Post
I have this bug - when opening songs from the file manager - player opens and immediately closes, at the second attempt open file from manager - OMP works fine.
That's pretty strange If it happens in exactly 100% of the cases. What if you start OMP before selecting a file?

Originally Posted by stickymick View Post
This actually happens when launching videos from the OMP thumbnail screen too. The video starts, plays the first few frames then skips to the last few frames and closes. Works fine after the second attempt. Works without a hitch most times though.
I think those are completely different issues. DarkSide25 might be getting a segfault, perhaps because MAFW needs more time to warm up. The problem you described sounds like a bookmark placed near the end of a video. Now the question is whether OMP saved the playback position when it shouldn't, or maybe you've closed the video earlier manually when it was just about to end?

I have uploaded an update.
  • Added D-Bus calls to play a playlist.
  • UPnP and video browser respect the "play only search results" option.
  • Different grid sizes for landscape and portrait.
  • Changed -00:01 to --:-- in track length labels.
  • A great amount of various, mostly UI-related, cleanups.
  • Allow only one instance of the application (multiple windows can still be opened with --allow-multiple-instances).
  • Fixed certain windows being closed whenever hildon-desktop is restarted.
  • New translations: Bulgarian by B.U.S.T.T.E.R., Slovak by Pali (based on slovak-l10n project by rmoravcik).
  • Updated translations: Russian (thanks to DarkSide25), French (thanks to Pinky007) and more.

Thanks to Pali for the patch which prevents opening multiple instances of OMP -- e.g. if it's already running and you launch it again from a terminal, the old window will be activated.

To play a playlist from a shell script you can use:
dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/mediaplayer string:"playlist name"
dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/mediaplayer string:"playlist name"
In the latter case use one of the following names: recently-added, recently-played, most-played, never-played.

You can also add boolean:true after string:"playlist name" to turn shuffle mode on.

Thumb-lovers can get their version here.
My Thumb mini-repository:

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