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Posts: 54 | Thanked: 47 times | Joined on Dec 2012
It doesn't matter what Google winter cleaning says. c*dav should stay because there are a lot of old iphones still around.

I finally put together some dark magic and made Google Carddav work again...

The SSL bug prevents the configuration connection to be made from the phone... so the trick is to set up the configuration in another place (a pc), then copy it to the phone.

IN THE PC tested with syncevolution
syncevolution --keyring=no --configure \
              username=<user> \
              password=<password> \
              addressbook/backend=carddav \
              addressbook/database= \
              target-config@webdav \
Then copy the folder in the pc ~/.config/syncevolution/webdav to the same same place in your phone... with openssh you can make.
scp -r ~/.config/syncevolution/webdav  user@<wifi-phone-ip>:/home/user/.config/syncevolution/webdav
IN THE PHONE tested with syncevolution
syncevolution --configure \
              --template SyncEvolution_Client \
              syncURL=local://@webdav \
              username= \
              password= \
              webdav \
Then disable the certificate verification:
sed -i 's/.*SSLVerifyServer.*/SSLVerifyServer = 0/' /home/user/.config/syncevolution/*/peers/*/config.ini
Backup all your conctacts.

Open the Syncevolution-Frontend.
Open the webdav configuration, go to "edit service", configure the sync to Refresh-from-server (slowsync failed for me twice).
Upon success, you can configure it to "normal-sync".

Other combinations of syncevolution versions (pc - phone), might work, because each one fails at a different step.

I took the last pc version from here.
I also had to compile the 1.3.99 version for maemo. Until the repository is updated, you can download syncevolution from here.

Last edited by xvan; 2013-04-22 at 09:54.

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