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Posts: 191 | Thanked: 415 times | Joined on Jan 2012
This post has focus on graphical environments. It tries to collect a few configuration tips and open questions.


It just works. I find it too desktop-centric for the n900, though.


I have never used awesome before, but decided to give it a try based on Skry suggestion.

Out-of-the-box, it comes pre-configured to use Mod4 as its shortcut key, which usually maps to the windows key on the desktop, but is missing on the n900. The easiest fix is to edit .config/awesome/rc.lua and change Mod4 to Mod5, but I find this far from ideal as it makes the keyboard messier.

Please share your awesome tweaks to make it more comfortable in the n900 keyboard.


It fits nicely in the environment; see the screenshot. Out-of-the box, though, the keyboard does not work apart from letters.

Using a terminal, I had to re-apply the keyboard configuration once inside e17:
setxkbmap -model nokiarx51
This can be automated by creating a .desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart/ with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Fix keyboard settings
Exec=setxkbmap -model nokiarx51
Then add this to the autostart application in the settings menu. With this configuration the keyboard works, with the exeption of ctrl+blue and shift+blue combinations. If someone knows how to improve the keyboard usage under e17, please share your tips.


It loads if invoked as:
It requires calibration to be usable, and my desktop was upside-down. Moreover, the tablet-shell crashes when I try to load it. The shell works.

In any measure, I have no experience with weston, so please post your tips.
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