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Originally Posted by Mara View Post
EDIT: I noticed that MyDocs and anything under it is shown as drwxr-xr-x file permissions. MyDocs and all files are owned by root and by group root. Is that what it supposed to be? (I never paid attention to these details before when it was still working...) I was able to change the MyDocs directory owner and group to user users but it automagically changed back to root root after little while.
After getting the update installed, I can't confirm the behaviour you're getting, everything seems to work as normal. Most likely it's due to incorrect file attributes/ownership set for the MyDocs folder (and subfiles) as having owner/group set to root/root would prohibit non-elevated applications (camera for instance) to store data there. In my case the owner/group of MyDocs and subfiles/-folders is set to user/root, and I'm fairly sure that's how it's suppose to be. Seeing as it reverts the ownership when you try to change it, maybe it's caused by some monitoring process and/or improper settings for mounting it. For me, mount | grep MyDocs gives
/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /home/user/MyDocs type vfat (rw,noatime,nodiratime,noauto,nodev,exec,nosuid,utf8,uid=29999,shortname=mixed,dmask=000,fmask=0000,rodir)
and ls -lAd /home/user/MyDocs
drwxrwxrwx   30 user    root      65536 Dec 27 08:49 /home/user/MyDocs
Maybe you run those and compare.

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