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Posts: 106 | Thanked: 313 times | Joined on Mar 2019
Just to share my latest preference for transcoding movies

4:3 Movie, cropped with some sharpening and audio compression.

ffmpeg -y -i $input -filter:v "scale=960x540,crop=720:540:120:0,smartblur=1.8:-0.35:-0.01:1:0.0:0.0" -filter:a "compand=attacks=0:decays=0.12:points=-80/-80|-45/-37|-27/-18|0/-7|20/-7:gain=1.88:volume=-110" -movflags faststart -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset slow -vprofile main -level:v 3.0 -tune fastdecode -maxrate 1920k -auto-alt-ref 0 $output.mkv
The device seems to handle main profile ok, without limiting to baseline. I think specifying -level:v 3.0 limits the target to not too-high bitrate. The -maxrate didn't seem to strictly limit bitrate, if I analyze output with ffprobe...

For the too-dark movies i like to add equalizer

With this profile, level and bitrate mplayer can play 960x540 @ 24fps H264 at about 65%-75% CPU. Important to avoid the output scaled due to non 1:1 aspect ratio. You might need to add setsar to fix aspect ratio. scale=960x540,setsar=1:1

The hardframedrop leads to jerky motion, so the current invocation is:
mplayer -vo sdl -fs  -nocorrect-pts -quiet
For fullscreen SDL on droid4, you'll need a patched libsdl, otherwise the window is shifted about 1/2 screen down. I found some changes that 'workforme' but I don't know what i'm doing so my tweaks to libSDL aren't included in the repository.
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Last edited by clort; 2021-04-27 at 11:53.

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