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Posts: 330 | Thanked: 860 times | Joined on May 2011
Funny how this simple question "What to replace my N900 nowadays?" still has no simple answer since... ages.
Unbelievable, very special finally.

I personally tried a Pine Phone end 2020. I tried a bit all the Os's present by multiboot.
I finally had the feeling I'd have to reboot every time I needed another task: photos possible here, phonecalls there... And that I'd have to sacrifice the rest of the life (tweak-script-compile) to be able to get some kind of everyday usable phone.
Sure I am not as talented as most of you guys in those kind of things, though.
Well, I finally sold it and came back to my N900. One more case

Yesterday, since not having followed this phone replacement question since long, I was hot and would have ordered a Pro1-X with closed eyes.
Digging back more in Pro1(-X) question, I found possible huge waiting time, possible beta-version syndrome, possible lacks (or overflow) in support/replacement...

Pressure is getting higher though.
Birthdays, Sport activities for kids, classes management, are organized only through Whatsapp and people are mad when you don't answer. They don't even imagine one can live without it. Often, they don't realize you are not there, and you just miss things.
Picture/video sending. If you miss a cat or a sunrise, no big deal. But at work, for showing tech things and so on, becomes problematic not to receive/send anything.
If you want to show a vid of something to a client, it becomes a bit ridiculous with a N900 where it takes ages to load on a tiny black display...
We love it, still, this N900. They just don't understand the truth
Not easy.

So, really, without these Google/Apple data pumps, really no way today?
Even without keyboard?
And formulated like this: "A modern device to be by my own, with no notifications every second and where I can put a simcard"?

It was long, sorry. If you read, thank you. I just needed this therapy!
Toshiba Libretto 70ct -> Psion -> Palm -> Openmoko Freerunner -> gta02 -> gta04 -> n900 n900 n900 n900
...recycled devices, hack, arduino...

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