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Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) for the Nokia Internet Tablets

Ubuntu-N8X0 screenshot gallery;

I am not responsible for what you do to your tablet, following theas insrtructions incorrectly might cause you to have to reflash your tablet. Also, keep in mind that it is recommended that you use swap if you chose to install ubuntu-desktop

First, i would like to thank the following people in helping with making this work.

Johnx: for providing helpful advice in making the xserver and gdm for the ubuntu-desktop function properly.

Stskeeps: for also providing helpful advice and for allowing me to use his mer/deblet packages for a sane bootable ubuntu install.

neatojones: for the awsome E17 port and for getting wireless working - link to the instructions for e17 and wireless are provided for below.


UPDATE: ver 2.1

Installing Ubuntu from a rootstrap image;

(special thanks to Andrewfblack on #maemo for providing a host server for this )

I have made a pre-built rootfs for a fast, easy installation of ubuntu jaunty. This version includes a basic bootable system with xserver-xorg, deblet-rescue-menu, aptitude, synaptic and deselect. Just simply extract it to a partition, install a desktop env, and create a bootmenu item. (information provided in the second post)

What's Fixed:
* Image now uses deblet-rescue-menu (mer's version would not start)
* No more xserver-xorg crashes
* Xsessions is now fonctioning properly

You can obtain the rootstrap from here

Also, the default password for root is root and the default user password is user, eather of witch can be changed using passwd root or passwd user and it is highly recommended that you remove xserver-xorg-input-all and xserver-xorg-input-synaptics using apt mainly because there has ben some reported problems with xserver-xorg-input-synaptics overriding xserver-xorg-input-tslib's functionality causing the touch screen to stop working. And last, it is suggested that you add a newline to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you can do this by pressing the enter buttun at the bottom of the file when you edit it - sorry


New: E17 (enlightenment) v2

updated Instructions for installing E17 by neatojones are provided here


Updated: wireless

Instructions for setting up wireless are provided here -The next version of tablet-network-setup will include thease changes


Ubuntu-rescue-menu, ubuntu-n8x0-repository, and nit-bootmenu-compat;

This is a beta1 release of the new Ubuntu-rescue-menu, nit-bootmenu-compat, and Splash.


To upgrade to ubuntu-omap-fb-splash, nit-bootmenu-compat 1.6ubuntu1, and ubuntu-rescue-menu, add the following to /etc/apt/sorces.list

deb alpha contrib main non-free
deb-src alpha contrib main non-free
And run the following in a terminal;

apt-get update

apt-get remove deblet-rescue-menu; apt-get remove deblet-omap-fb-splash

apt-get install ubuntu-omap-fb-splash ubuntu-rescue-menu

apt-get upgrade nit-bootmenu-compat

apt-get clean

To run the rescue menu simply press home+power for 5-7 seconds when booting.


What works:

*Hal (partly)
*Screen diming
*Simple compiz visual effects (in ubuntu-desktop)
*Power management
*Usbnet emergency talend
*Right click
*keymapping (hw keys and virtual keyboard)

What needs work:

*Usplash (fails to start, perhaps our kernel doesn't support it?)
*Sound (closed sorce components )

This installation prosess requires that you have the following installed on your system:

*easyroot / rootsh / becomeroot
*basic knowledge with the command prompt
*2-4GB mmc - 4 GB+ if you are planning to install the ubuntu-desktop.
*Bootmenu form deblet

Step 1 ~ partitioning the memory card with sfdisk

To do this we are going to type in the following in a terminal as root (i''m using a 4GB internal mmc with a 356mb fat16 partition and a 3.6GB for linux83 - our rootfs partition)

umount /dev/mmcblk0p1

sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk0
And then reboot.

Step 2 ~ Formatting your newly created partitions

As root, run the following in a terminal. This will format your first partition in vfat and your second partition in ext3 for Ubuntu.
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
mkdosfs /dev/mmcblk0p1
mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p2

Step 3 ~ Bootstraping the basic Ubuntu jaunty system

First, we will create a target directory to bootstrap Ubuntu jaunty by doing the following as root:

mkdir -p /mnt/jaunty

Next, we will copy over a bootstrap script witch will allow us to properly bootstrap Ubuntu Jaunty. Download the bootstrap-script.tar.gz file, remove a symlink using rm -f /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/jaunty, and extract your new script to your /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts directory as root.

Then, we need to add md5sum to our /bin directory so debootstrap functions properly. Download the md5sum file and extract it to /bin as root.

Next, we will mount our ubuntu partition to /mnt/jaunty and start the Ubuntu jaunty bootstrap prosess. (Keep in mind that this will likely take a while, so go watch some tv )
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/mbcache.ko
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ext2.ko
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/jbd.ko
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ext3.ko
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /mnt/jaunty -o noatime

debootstrap --include="language-pack-en,language-pack-en-base,dmsetup,cryptsetup,hashalot,nano,sudo" --components=main,multiverse,universe,restricted --verbose --arch=armel jaunty /mnt/jaunty /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/jaunty
Last, we need to chroot into our base system, create the nessasary devices for the console, and exit for the next step:
mount /proc /mnt/jaunty/proc
mount /sys /mnt/jaunty/sys
chroot /mnt/jaunty
cd /dev; /sbin/MAKEDEV fb0 fb1 fb2 fb3 fb4 fb5 fb6 fb7
Step 4 ~ Preping the base system for booting

First, we will need to give our base system the nessesary sorces so dpkg installs packages properly. You can do this by typing the following as root in a terminal;

mount /dev /mnt/jaunty/dev
mount /dev/pts /mnt/jaunty/dev/pts
mount /tmp /mnt/jaunty/tmp
Attached Files
File Type: gz bootstrap-script.tar.gz (1.9 KB, 3067 views)
File Type: gz md5sum.tar.gz (4.3 KB, 2096 views)

Last edited by b-man; 2009-03-02 at 12:17. Reason: added link for wireless instructions

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