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Originally Posted by EMAD View Post
You are right! It is personal! I bought the phone 1st) for my personal use and 2nd) to show off to these berryheadzz and icoolzz what Linux can do that their blackberries and iphones cannot do.
and it does great in both regards before 2/15 and after 2/15 right?

Originally Posted by EMAD View Post
I don't care about Nokia's business / marketing decision for their future customers if they cannot keep their existing ones happy.
I agree that keeping existing customers happy is important, but that means different things to different people.

Originally Posted by EMAD View Post
I spent a fortune on this phone whereas, I could have got an iphone 3gs for $200 over a 3-year term. But instead I purchased a phone that cost me four times more ($800) ...
You should have searched harder. It's easy to find it for less than $500 and you know the $200 is plus contract so in the end you end up paying way more for the iphone. But it's not like you didn't know that already...

Originally Posted by EMAD View Post
But with the announcement of Meego, who cares about Maemo? Certainly, I don't care about maemo!
Look, if you want to go crazy and rant on and on that's fine... Personally I don't think it helps you or will it help alter the course necessarily.

Originally Posted by EMAD View Post
I am just saying why would Nokia promote maemo like this if they were well aware that they were going to partner up. You can't tell me that Intel and Nokia got together on the night of Feb. 14th and said let's combine what we have. Obviously, Nokia knew this deal was going to take off.
Apparently you've never worked for large companies. Nothing is ever that simple, making the wrong partnerships can cost millions of dollars so while its not like they dreamt it up the night before its not like they sat on it just for fun so they can screw the community. Try not to go down the conspiracy theory route. It'll drive you crazy.

Originally Posted by EMAD View Post
All I am saying is that Nokia better have a plan for the N900 customers whether it is a monetary incentive for upgrading to a new Meego device or changing the name AND FEATURES of Maemo 5 to call it Meego. Otherwise, I feel like I got ripped off big time!
Well monetary incentives aren't going to happen. That's just silly. The fact that you'd be ok if they just renamed Maemo 5 to Meego... I'm not sure what to say. I don't think that makes any sense to anyone.

Originally Posted by EMAD View Post
At this point, I am really confused whether I should keep this piece of nice hardware that will eventually have no value because of its software content.
Maybe you should consider why a phone gets you so worked up, its just a phone and a darn good one even with its limitations.

If they don't end up where I want them to go I will still enjoy my N900 for what it does do today, quirks and all. While I may be wary the next time around, if they make a good product I'll get back on board. I'll give money to those who make the best device even if its someone that made mistakes (IMO) in the past.

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