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Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Their share has actually increased slightly. It's far from over. It's still very early in the mobile device game.
Pretty short sight and offbase to say what their marketshare is when I'm addressing what the marketshare will be. I'd love to entertain your reasoning on why they will be able to maintain or increase their market share, that would be a great post inside of well you know, what I quoted above. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Underpowered? At release it was the most kick-butt hardware available. Still is pretty much. Underpowered...I wanna warp drive in mine while they're at it.
It's very underpowered when your consider 2 things: It was late to market palm pre and the 3gs share similiar if slightly more powerful hardware. When the hardware refresh comes your either behind the curve or upsetting your userbase if you refresh and drop support, sound familiar ? point 2- software powers the hardware and nokia's is a mess right now and when you include hardware in a device but refuse to support it not only is that stupid but it's worse then not having the feature at all. Now a competitor can take advantage of your bullet point(s) because essentially that's all it is if the feature(s) doesn't work.

Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Like Dell, Garmin and others, HP will find breaking into a (new for them) well-stocked market tough. Especially the low end. I don't like their chances.
Webos has a pretty dedicated following most have nothing but praise for the OS. All HP has to dois provide the proper hardware to run it on for it's true potential to be realize, well that and proper marketing. So if hp\palm's new low end device becomes a 600-800mhz webos device you don't like it's chances ?? Consider the deeply discounted 30 dollar Verison pre what of a slight tweak to hardware to make it cheaper to produce and give it a bit more headroom is webOS's lowend ? that be simply and nice

Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Hey, above you said Nokia's time for rebound had passed, despite their massive and increasing market share. But Windblows has time, despite having a minor and shrinking share? Which is it?
Wow, such a short statement has so many fallacies. First it's not a either or situation, you do well to restrain from creating false dilemma or misrepresent my views. To clarify I doubt because of my opinion Nokia is gonna read my post and say "pack it up guys, it's over slick just posted it and it's not looking good" No. They will continue with the plans they have and I remember hearing something about 2011. So ms who is launching products THIS YEAR HAS TIME to get competitive win7 mob looks solid but unfinished but to it's credit when it comes to development tools nokia can't compare to ms and it's support it provides to devs.

Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Low. Too low.
Oh did you think kin was their high end ? Interesting

Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Why? It's two different markets.
Not gonna explain that to you it's easy enough to figure out as is everything else I've posted if you think and consider, instead of knee jerk reactions.

Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Apple should've learned 20 years ago that a totally closed system will eventually lose. Then again, maybe they do remember and that's why they set loose a legal army against those who would oppose the Emperor
I am not pro apple say what we will they are succeeding, mostly because companies are stupid and make dumb moves or do nothing.

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