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PradaBrada's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wmarone View Post
Hey look, it's PradaBrada and his doppelganger Bourdain insulting people again. Indeed, I'm sure you coded a webserver in 4K as part of your high school computer science courses. And I'm sure you are the be all and end all in determining what is and is not valuable.

However, I implore you to leave this site and never come back. Please. Your contributions to this site amount to a handful of unhelpful responses, one liners, and links to images. You've upped it over the past day, by including insults and other disparaging remarks, along with creating an other account to make it look like your "crusade" is something more than what it truly is.
I only see insults and telling people to leave because you don't share their point of view. Great strategy!

Originally Posted by S0urcerr0r View Post
Most would say that you and Prada is the mindless zombies repeating yourselves over and over on different threads not even related to your input. Apparantly you dont know how to act on a forum (youve apparantly not even read the forum guidelines) so dont be surprised if many of your doubleposts get deleted if you keep going on like this.
Mindless for outing criticism on Nokia? Please, grow up.
We have every right to express our disdain for Nokia and its backhanded practices. It is you and those who are defending them who are zombies without minds of their own.

Originally Posted by S0urcerr0r View Post
yepp, i took a quick look at his posts as well. theres really nothing constructive or contributing in any of those.

ok - you claim to be a programmer, still we havent seen a single application youve wrote. if youre so into physics and you know programming - then make use of it in a real area, like programming some handy tools for your desired computer devices. so far youve contributed nothing (neither apps, or even a helping hand to others on the forum) and youre whining all the time. your posts repeats the same message over and over again, and its therefore laying waste on this forum - nothing contributing or constructive.
If you actually took a look through my posts as you said you did:
Originally Posted by me
I've done minor programming, but wouldn't call myself a programmer/developer, also not well-versed/interested in Linux to ever become one

Where is the rest of the developing community to port these simple apps? The only thing I keep hearing is: impossible
Furthermore not just quality community apps are needed, but more importantly quality company made apps, like Opera.
The only one really stopping that from happening for no good reason is Nokia with that garbage heap they call the Ovi Store.

Originally Posted by S0urcerr0r View Post
no, you dont. you believe in whining and insulting, and thats apparantly where your manhood is placed.
i noticed that plenty of your posts have been moderated. if you keep corrupting the forum with doubleposts and a conflict seeking attitude, some moderator will probably go as far as deleting your account. will that make you happy? get your head straight instead and start contributing!
Let me just remind you it was you who started with the insults assuming us for iPhone/Android-fanboys just because we are critical of Nokia.

I believe in results, quality and a general mass-marketable and tasteful way of presentation. A company as big as Nokia shouldn't leave out basic features out of a premium device just out of laziness. And even if they do they should get their arses to work and get it fixed themselves, not let the user community try to implement those basic features. And the poor fools should definitely not be proud for creating these "apps" and not just excuse, but actually thank Nokia for this abominable hassle they are being put through.

Also a double post is duplicate post, get your definitions straight

Originally Posted by S0urcerr0r View Post
i was/am also pissed about some stuff regarding the N900 and i mentioned it on this forum as well. people gave their feedback about it and that was it... your points are already clear to everyone - the world already knows that we cant expect flash10.1 now. you have got plenty of feedback. if nokia or a hacker manage to supply us with working flash10.1, then it will be fine either way. the lesson weve learned is to get such promises in advance, even when its for a NIT... and of course this means that there will be people who's gone diss nokia if the issue dont get resolved. theres simply no point in going on like this, doubleposting everywhere, because there are more threads than enough about it already.
Everywhere? A few threads here and there, it needs to be said, especially with all the cheering on of Nokia's practises which I see going on here.
For example:
Would you pay Nokia £1-£5 every 6 months to bring the features in line with Meego release and portin
A question like this just baffles me. I can't even begin to comprehend in what sort of twisted state of mind one would have to reside to even suggest such backwater strategies. And lo and behold: 2/3's of the voters actually said yes...

Originally Posted by S0urcerr0r View Post
in respect to others i will stop this discussion here for mi part atleast. if getting the last word satisfy you then go on. like i wrote before, i dont feel like theres anything i have to protect about mysellf, but there may be a need to protect the forum.

chill man
kind regards
Finally you get the point: you don't have to protect Nokia nor protect the idiots who are enjoying getting screwed

Kind regards to you sir