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Obviously neither of you have reflashed your N800s to the latest firmware which supports Skype and haven't bothered to install the new Minimo browser (micro-b) or the new SIP/VoIP package.
And to date I have not seen even ONE mobile handheld device with a "fast" web browser like on a laptop/desktop. Not ONE. Not even the vaunted iPhone has a fast browser.
Show me a handheld linux-based device on the market right now that does VoIP, Skype, and has not one but TWO (soon to be THREE) different web browsers with good battery life like the N800 has?
The only one that comes close to that is another Nokia device....the N95.
Show me one that can actually run a full KDE 3.5.6 window environment?
Show me one that can boot into different window environments from one SDHC card?

Of course, before now the only handheld devices that could run Skype were Windows CE/Mobile/whatever devices that were part PDA, part phone. I've used some of them and the crashes were frequent and horrible. Good luck finding an open-source SDK for WinMO so that one can "fix" some of those problems.
There's a good reason why almost 99% of all WinMo/CE software is commerical, recoup the losses incurred from having to buy the development kit/environment.
Not so with the N800, and for the most part not so with Nokia's Symbian S60 3rd Edition environment.

As far as the developers porting over software because "it's needed" I'm not sure how much that claim holds up to scrutiny. The hobbyist developers here port over apps THEY themselves want, not the majority of users in these forums.
I'm not sure there's a high demand for Frotz/Gfrotz, Battle for Wesnoth, or Star Control II that they should be arbitrarily installed on N800s at the factory or included in firmware.

Originally Posted by Liam1
And so will all of you...
I'm sorry, but I'll have to respond to anyone thinking they can speak for me in the following manner: Fsck off!
You don't know me or anyone else here Mr. I-just-created-an-account-to-whine-about-my-lack-of-technical-prowness-on-my-N800, so don't pretend to make asinine generalized statements like that about the users here.
I'm pleased-as-punch with my N800. I gives a damn about being able to watch the latest cat-plays-piano video on YouTube. The sites I read on it (Engadget, The Register, Google Reader, ITT, etc.) load up pretty quick. I'm not expecting desktop-equivalent browser speeds because I live in the real world with real expectations of what the N800 is capable of with it's hardware and current software.
Show me another handheld linux-based device on the market that can browse to the main YouTube site and play anything from it all! Show me another handheld linux-based device on the market with Flash 9 on it? I'm not finding one...
And the reason a lot of web pages load up slow is due to a lot of bad user interface design and sloppy javascript programming on the part of the actual web developer who created the site. You do know Javascript itself is single-threaded, right? That means that a site loaded down with Javascript (also known as "AJAX" for you Web 2.0 folks) has to load every single script one-by-one and if any one of those are used to load up a stupid flash ad that's improperly programmed or on a slow server/connection will wind up causing the page to load slow in just about any browser, even more so on a handheld linux-based device.

Also, had you ever seen an "internet tablet" BEFORE the N770 came out that was this size with this battery life?
If you did it was because the words "internet tablet" were in a quotes in a review or magazine article about a much larger device with horrible battery life. Nokia so far is the only one to openly brand these devices as an "Internet Tablet".
There wasn't a real definition of "internet tablet" until Nokia pretty much went out and defined it. And they're refining that definition all the time.

It's no one's fault but your own that you bought a device for which you did not do proper research on before you bought it.
Sorry for the rant but I'm getting tired of folks coming in here and whinging about the N800's lack of this or that while not even mentioning what it can do that no other device in it's class CAN do.