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Originally Posted by bue View Post
Hi aenbacka!

Like so many have rightly done before me, I must use a few lines to express my gratitude for your remarkable work on the qspot application. It is great that there are such generous people in the world. Thank you!

I started using qspot over a year ago on my N900. Sadly, I've had a problem since last autumn and have since then not been able to start qspot more than a few times. There have been a few different behaviours in different versions of qspot, but since then I've tried anything I could think of (re-installing, rebooting, removing different qspot-folders etc.). At one time I succesfully reverted to a pre 1.0 version, after which qspot worked for a while, until the next update.

At the moment, when I start qspot, I get "Loading playlists", while one post "0 tracks" is displayed. This seems to go on indefinitely.

Oh my god! While writing this I suddenly got it running! I switched to wifi and started "Faster Application Manager". Selected de-install to see which version I had (1.1.0-1) and then quit and once more tried QSpot, which immediately started and loaded all playlists in a flash.

Ok. After the glimpse of light a moment ago, I'm back in the dark. Quit QSpot and could not restart it, either by using mobile network or wifi.

Is there any way to get you some debugging information? I will gladly do anything I can to get qspot up and running again, since it's my absolute favourite application. I have not done any programming work for the N900 yet, but am reasonably skilled at linux programming in C, if that might help somehow.

Oh, one more thing: There is a file named despotify.log, 21.1k large in /home/user/ mainly stating that it has allocated tracks at cryptical places.

Tomas (bue)
Thanks a lot for your feedback, happy you enjoy QSpot! Hopefully we can get it to work, and find the cause of your problem.

In case you start QSpot from the x-term, what is the output when the problem occurs? What folders have you tried to remove (application settings / cache)? Do you use any playlist folders (those currenly show up as empty playlists in the UI, i.e., with 0 tracks)? And do you have playlists synched offline (on some other devices as well)?

The despotify.log file was generated by earlier version when QSpot used the openspotify library. Now, with the official lib the file should not be created anymore.