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Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
to be specific...
You need the monies now?
Wait until the shop is set up.. then send the monies?.....
Everything fine, though the earlier the merrier. We'll set up the web shop so you find all your payments there when you log in first time, anyway. Just PLEASE use SAME EMAIL ADDR in refrence/subject of all payments, past and future. It's our "primary key" to link the payments to your account and a particular device. When you used PP, please do so again, from same PP account. When you absolutely can't use same email addr PP account, please MENTION your PREVIOUS EMAIL in subject, so we can make the link between previous and new payment.

Originally Posted by xman View Post
I'm REEALLLYY ready for this! So I went ahead and bumped my payment by another 200 eur, this brings me to 400 eur! Not sure this is how you want it ... but too late

I only need the board so the extra money should be used to help get to the next step. If you want to refund it if you have a surplus great, if you want to keep it for the teams time and hard work groovy, but that it for me no more money (for now till I can watch video's of working boards)
of course
All payments count for the final invoice when we collect final orders and ship the devices. So no matter "what for" you sent the money, it gets used to build your device and gets accounted for in the invoice.
Soon you will be able to see the serial number of the device(s) you ordered, plus the hardware items we already sourced for you, on your order webpage - as soon as webshop ready to go online.

Originally Posted by xman View Post
I'm believing in you (the team) with my hard earned money and I'm happy to show my support. So lets get this party started.

Thanks a lot

one last note, for correctness: these payments from now on won't receive the monthly interest we promised and grant for early donations. The early donations continue to collect interest though, as promised. And the above mentioned amounts (300.- , 150.-) are excl any interest your early donation collected so far, since interest gets calculated with final invoice only.

Important Note: when your initial donation got transferred from GDC to Neo900 UG (or you did it in time and referred to "86.- refund from GDC for original donation of 100.- from YYYY-MM-DD, re-donating it"), then this counts as the ORIGINAL amount (~100.-) you donated, NOT the REDUCED ONE (~86.-some) GDC transferred to UG
You donated 100.- to GDC on 2014-2-2
GDC (or you) transferred 8X.xx to Neo900 UG some time in June
your customer account at Neo900 UG: 100.- payed on 2014-2-2


Last edited by joerg_rw; 2015-03-26 at 06:11. Reason: moved "I.E." block to where it belongs

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