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I'll be taking part to this year's Qt Dev Days in Munich (24th-26th of October).

If there is some interesting information that pops up (official or through discussions) related to Qt/Nokia/Maemo/MeeGo/Tizen... I will post it here.

Anybody else taking part?...

Edit1: Live coverage from Qt DevDays 2011...

Day 1 was a training day, with 5 dedicated tracks:
- Advanced Qt - a deep dive
- Programming with Qt Quick
- Designing UIs with Qt Quick
- Getting started - a Qt fast track
- Qt Apps with Nokia - Design, Develop and distribute

Some noteworthy points, beside the sessions themselves:
- Nomovok has a stand there. I discussed with the guy and he confirmed that they are providing the integration of Qt into Tizen. They see Tizen as MeeGo + the HTML5 additional overlay, and clearly not as MeeGo minus Qt. To them, there is no reason why things we were able to do with MeeGo should not be feasable with Tizen. They meet every second week with Intel to work about the integration of Qt into Tizen. Looks damn promising!

- About 900 to 1000 participants. Definitely not a lack of participants, as it was suggested by some here.

- Demonstration of Raspberry Pi, a hardware platform (Arduino-like), running Qt5. Seems very powerful, and the target price is 25$US. Release is planned in November. Setting up the environment from scratch (including compiling a Qt5 version for Raspberry Pi) takes about 3 hours, and then you're ready to develop... Demo of particle generation using QML/OpenGL.

- I've heard that those people (about 50) who registered for the last session (Qt Apps with Nokia) all got a N9... (me = fool for having chosen the wrong session...)

Day 2:
- Talk by Marco Argenti (SVP Developer Experience, Nokia) about "Qt and the broader strategy".
* 100 millions Qt-enabled smartphones on the market.
* Strong emphasis on N9 being the best ever device for developers.
* Lottery => They gave out N9 devices to... half of the attendees (each participant has either a red or blue dot on his badge... today, all the "blue dots" won cyan N9's. According to the Murphy law, I of course had a red dot... Will magenta devices be given out tomorrow to the "red dots"?... Edit 4: No! "Blue Dots", enjoy your devices! )
* Dramatic increase of application submission lately
* Open governance (Qt-Project released since last Friday)
* Qt is and remains a strategic investment for Nokia (today and future!)
* ~2 millions of downloads of Qt
* Porting facilitated from Qt to Windows Phone platform, but as of today, they also released a tool for facilitating the porting the other way round: yes: porting from WP towards Qt!
* Strong believe in Cross-platform development
* Nokia store: new version in Qt+QML: they saw a significant increase in usage
* Up to 9 millions downloads a day
* Big opportunities for developing apps for the "next billion"
* ex: India: 800 millions mobile suscribers => those users will mainly experience the web through apps => Qt is core to achieve this!
* Customers liking apps based on Qt, even if they don't know what runs in the background
* People want apps easy to use, nice-looking and useful

- Rick Spencer (Director of Engineering for Ubuntu, Canonical) also gave a talk.
* Rick former "proprietary SW developer", now converted to Open-Source and no way he could go back
* Unity 2D in Ubuntu: built using Qt + QML (=> allowed better, more efficient exchange between development and design teams)
* All the Qt libraries are included by default in Ubuntu distribution, so the user does not need to download them when installing their first Qt app
* KDE desktop heavily using Qt (spontaneous applause by a small group of KDE fans in the room)
* Ubuntu One: built using Qt (now also available on MS win platform)
* Using Qt on Ubuntu: moving from just user to participant or contributor
* User Developer Summit next week, with live audio streaming over internet and IRC chat room to take part => will dsicuss about the next release in ~6 months
* "App Store": encouraged to use it! For successful paid apps, download numbers are in the range of a few hundreds (!)
* Review process: submitted apps always checked, but quick: about 2 days until app is available

Edit 2: some more coverage pouring in...

Still from Day 2:

- "Qt Roadmap, Open Governance and Qt5", by Lars Knoll, Qt Chief Architect:
* Nokia definitely is backing up Qt! That has been said and hammered extensively during this talk.
* Nokia has a growing interest in Qt, increasing its investment into it. Plus, there are job openings.
* Transition from Qt4 to Qt5: will not be as painfull as the transition from Qt3 to Qt4, as most of the stuff is implemented all right. Basically a matter of running a script for adapting header files and minor tweaks to the build system.
* Qt5 to be split into "Essentials" and "Add-on modules" (including widgets, Qt Webkit, part of Qt Mobility,...
* Qt Quick 2 built and optimized for OpenGL, with dramatic performance improvements
* Qt5 timeline:
- Feature freeze by early 2012
- Beta by March/April 2012
- Done by 1st half of 2012
* Qt Widgets supported in Qt5 (but to some extent, development on widgets is shifting towards community efforts, through Qt-Project)
* After Qt5: plan is to release twice a year, at fixed time periods (more predictable)
* In response to a question about Symbian and MeeGo:
- Symbian STAYS on Qt 4.8 = Symbian NOT supported on Qt5!
- MeeGo: tests done, works well so far, so shouldn't be a problem. (He would not tell more than this)
* Development opportunities:
- Desktop: yes, clearly in the focus
- Mobile: You will see something coming... This is all Nokia is ready to say now! (Seems clearly to indicate some big announcement by tomorrow at the Nokia World event!!)

Edit 3: some more from day 2

That was all for the keynotes. The rest of the QtDevDays consists of technical tracks, mostly not by Nokia employees, but by partner firms (Digia, KDAB, ICS, e-Gits,...). Won't report about those, since it's "just" technical. I'll post bits of information that might be relevant though...

* Interestingly, one technical track was about porting Qt/QML applications to Android, using Necessitas (3rd Alpha release coming out soon!).
* BlackBerry's BBX was mentioned, as an eventual target for Qt apps (QNX-based) with the comment "if they're still around within one year".
* The guy talking about QtWebKit presented himself, and mentioned he was "working on some other things he could not talk about"...
* Interesting (too deep for my level) talk about QPA (Qt Platform Abstraction), succeeding to QWS (Qt for Embedded Linux): can be used for Android ports, but not the remotest chance this will work for iOS.
* Session about developing with MeeGo on N9, by Yoann Lopes. Quote: "N9 is awesome, but it misses one thing: you, your apps". 75 minutes is a too short time to go very deep, but the guy basically showed the whole process, step by step, and some of the possibilities (demoed: applications "MeeSpot", "Trafikanten"). A few security-related questions were raised (about preventing an app sending over-priced SMS's), which didn't lead anywhere, by lack of enough informations about the topic. Again, question asked about the incentive for developing for a "dead platform": "Can't say anything about this, but if you develop for MeeGo now, you definitely will be able to reuse your skills." (not quoting exactly, just what I remember from it). He mentioned also again "next billion"...

Edit 4: wrap-up:

Back home now, and I had a bit more time to go through my notes, but there was not much more interesting info about N9 and MeeGo (beside the programming techniques themselves).

I've been very impressed by the quality of the presentations, the skills of the presenters, and the flawless organization!
Wow. Just wow!

Last edited by 0x4e84; 2011-10-29 at 21:38. Reason: Live coverage

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The weird thing about this, is that they're not even distributing the N9 in Germany.
Last I heard they were still having trouble filling seats.
Gee, I wonder why!?!
I won't be going, but I'm interested in who from this forum is.
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 140 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
The weird thing about this, is that they're not even distributing the N9 in Germany.
Last I heard they were still having trouble filling seats.
Gee, I wonder why!?!
I won't be going, but I'm interested in who from this forum is.
Well, for once, Qt is not only about Maemo/MeeGo... There's a whole world of Qt development out there!
Plus, the Munich event attracts people from all over Western Europe, not only Germany.

Usually, the attendance is huge, and I don't expect it to be that different this year. I'll let you know if there were free seats.

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Originally Posted by 0x4e84 View Post
Well, for once, Qt is not only about Maemo/MeeGo... There's a whole world of Qt development out there!
That's true
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i'd be interested in hearing about it afterwards. i'm too poor to go travelling to places, and i'm not a developer, i help them but i don't do the hard work.
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I'd love to attend but it's just too expensive. I did receive an email from Nokia recently regarding a EUR100 discount for early bird registrations but thats still EUR599 to attend the 3 days.

Developers who register before midnight CET on Tuesday 11 October for the 3 day conference and exhibition including the dedicated, full-day mobile training track in Munich will save EUR 100 on the total registration price (paying EUR 599 instead of EUR 699).
I look forward to hearing news from the event, should be interesting
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Interesting how they'll continue to support Qt for MeeGo(Maemo), but not for Symbian.
I wish they could've been clearer about the lack of incentive to develop for a "dead platform".
i.e. bring to light whether the Meltemi rumors are true etc.

Great news about Qt + Tizen....
Sounds like Intel are still quite receptive to making it an important part.
Was there a Samsung presence there?

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-10-30 at 14:55.

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Interesting how they'll continue to support Qt for MeeGo(Maemo), but not for Symbian.
I wish they could've been clearer about the lack of incentive to develop for a "dead platform".
i.e. bring to light whether the Meltemi rumors are true etc.
Yes, and they even gave the feeling to have increased their efforts on Qt... I hope also that there is an announcement very soon. It would be great to keep all those developers on board. Anyway, even if they repeated that there will not be any other phone (tablet, perhaps?) running MeeGo (what about Meltemi, or even Tizen??), they have really been encouraging people to develop full speed for MeeGo!

Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Great news about Qt + MeeGo....
Sounds like Intel are still quite receptive to making it an important part of Tizen.
Was there a Samsung presence there?
No. Not a trace from Samsung. Nor from Microsoft, for that matter (beside the short mention of the tool for porting WP apps to Qt)...

I'll update my original post this evening with some last infos and thoughts, in order to wrap-up the whole thing, but there's not much more to say...

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Originally Posted by 0x4e84 View Post
- Mobile: You will see something coming... This is all Nokia is ready to say now! (Seems clearly to indicate some big announcement by tomorrow at the Nokia World event!!)
So what came of this

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
So what came of this
Apparently nothing as of yet. The Nokia World has been sharply focused of the Lumia (WP7) and Asha (S40) launches.

But I'm convinced there is something coming. Another hint is given by S. Elop during an interview (3 minutes with Nokia CEO Stephen Elop). In particular at 1:34 in the video, he says with a smile:
(...) What remains unanswered, and will remain unanswered for today, is when I say 'elements of the user experience' or 'the Qt environment'. What does that mean? That's still something you'll see ahead from Nokia. (...)

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